The Truths & Myths About Breastfeeding

Although it is heartening to see that more and more women are practicing ‘Breast is Best’ for their infants, there are still many myths surrounding breastfeeding, making many mothers feel disillusioned about this beautiful act of nourishment and love.

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Myth 1: Sore nipples or pain while feeding is normal.

Fact: The initial days of breastfeeding are a learning curve for the mother, where she may face some difficulties with respect to a proper latch. A normal latch never causes pain or even the slightest of soreness.

Myth 2: A small-breasted woman is unable to produce enough milk for her baby.

Fact: Breast size has nothing to do with milk production. Milk-producing and supplying capacity is determined by the efficiency of the milk-producing cells and not with the size of the breast. 

Myth 3: Breastfeeding is prohibited when the mother is ill.

Fact: The absolute contraindications for breastfeeding are HIV and Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infections. Breastfeeding is recommended to be continued in illnesses like flu, a stomach infection, fever, sore throat, cold & cough, etc. because breast-milk will contain antibodies against the mother’s illness, which will pass on into the feeding baby and protect them. Withholding feeding increases the chances of the baby falling ill.

Myth 4: It is difficult to wean the baby after one year of breastfeeding.

Fact: The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a baby’s life, and continued breastfeeding for up to 2 years with complementary feeds. Weaning is a process which, if done gently, can be achieved without difficulty.

Myth 5:  Medications are not permitted while breastfeeding.

Fact: All medicines are not prohibited while breastfeeding. Both, gynecological and pediatric specialists are well aware of the medicines that are lactation-friendly. We recommend you to consult your specialist before taking any Over-The-Counter medication. On the other hand, homeopathic medicines are completely safe for consumption while breastfeeding. Homeopathy is also of great help in mothers with nursing difficulties such as an inadequate supply of milk, pain in the breast or any other lactation-related issue. It is recommended to get in touch with a homeopathic specialist for any health issues you may be facing.

Myth 6: A baby needs to weaned when the mother goes back to her full-time, away-from-home job.

Fact: Mothers can continue feeding even after resuming their occupation outside of their home. Breastfeeding can be continued before leaving for work and after returning home, as well as during the nights. For the time period when the mother is away from the baby, a breast pump comes in handy to express and store breast milk in sterilized milk storage bags.

