Senior Living – A Caregiver’s Guide

The massive wave of globalization that has swept the world over has touched India in its wake too.

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Globalization, combined with rampant modernization has led to a shift from the traditional culture to modern culture. Indian families are now moving away from the joint family structure and adopting a more nuclear stance. This is especially the case in urban areas as well as rural areas where the young generation move to urban areas to make a living while leaving their elders alone. With an aging population, there is also an increased burden in caring for the older population in terms of government benefits and care. Geriatric care has been largely understudied in India thus far. Here, we aim to walk you through different perspectives of what caring for the elderly means to the different people that are involved in it. Elderly care guide. 

A viewpoint on family

In many families today, both male and female counterparts have highly demanding jobs and careers. This is what makes nuclear family sustain. However, in the decades past, joint families prevailed where the entire family cared for their elderly. As a result of this, the concept of family care was always in play. But, with the rise of nuclear families, the concept of family care is gradually going down.

A social viewpoint

As an outcome of this shift, the older members of the family face challenges such as isolation and loneliness. But, there is a flip side to this perspective; what the elders think. Most elders feel better living with others their age as there is a variation in the thought process of extended families which often leads to a difference of opinion and conflicts. They also feel that associating with those their own age and situation helps them overcome any issues they may have. This then brings us to elder care facilities that are springing up around the country today. Some insight into what the government offers can help you make a better choice.

Governmental Support

The government as of now offers little in the way of facility or care for the elderly. Most non-governmental organizations or private entities take on ventures to assist the elderly in their care. These are your available options.

Available Options

In all cities today, there are several centers that offer the best facilities. Right from aromatherapy, spas, and pools to catered food delivery at their doorstep. There are gated communities that specially cater for the retired and elderly where several benefits such as independent, semi-assisted and assisted care are given based on your need. A lot of options to choose from! But what about the stigma?

Elderly Care- The Unspoken Stigma

Should you as a caregiver feel guilty? The answer is no. While there are several issues that the elderly face such as depression, being in a gated community that offers the right amount of care may be just what they need. In fact, the stigma attached to senior homes is now coming down as the elderly themselves prefer to be a part of an elderly community!



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