Women, Fertility and Diabetes

Polycystic Ovarian

There has existed a link between diabetes (regardless of type) and infertility in women.

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For girls or women with type 1 diabetes, it has been shown that the age of onset of menarche is delayed. Furthermore, before the use of insulin, 2% of women with diabetes could not get pregnant at all. However, once optimal blood glucose levels achieved, more and more women could get pregnant. Among those with type 2 diabetes, usually, other conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and oligomenorrhea are common. In this regard, it is crucial to note that obesity has been directly linked to diabetes and, hence, infertility.

Here, we examine a few of the associated conditions that can cause infertility in diabetics.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

This is a common condition that is characterized by multiple cysts in the ovaries. While PCOS in itself is not a major health hazard, it can cause reduced fertility through irregular menses (oligomenorrhea) or secondary amenorrhea. Polycystic ovaries commonly associated with obesity and, therefore, type 2 diabetes. Those with type 1 diabetes are at increased risk for PCOS due to the high levels of insulin administered.

Oligomenorrhea and Secondary Amenorrhea

Oligomenorrhea refers to irregular periods or periods occurring more than 35 days between cycles. Secondary amenorrhea refers to having previously stable cycles but that which has stopped for the last 6 months. PCOS is closely related to these conditions. Those with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are at risk for PCOS and these conditions. While obesity is a prime reason for irregular menses, being underweight also puts you at risk.

Premature Menopause

Research suggests that type 2 diabetes is especially related to premature menopause, i.e. attaining menopause before the age of forty. Premature menopause is also known as a premature ovarian failure.

The first line of management for any of the above-mentioned conditions is lifestyle modification. If you are obese or overweight, ensure you bring down your weight to an ideal level. Even otherwise, adopting healthy eating and regular exercise can put your life back on track and help you get pregnant, should you be trying.



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