Foods Rich in Vitamin D to Boost Your Immunity

Our Immune System is nothing but our body’s defense mechanism to fight diseases. It helps by fighting off the bacteria, viruses and other disease causing agents. The stronger your immunity, higher are your chances of staying away from falling sick.

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So today we bring to you a list of vitamin D rich foods that you can consume to boost your immunity.

The foods that consist of Vitamin D, is present in a different form which requires sunlight exposure for it to get converted into 1,25 DihydryoxyCholeCalciferol. This activated form of vitamin D can be used in the body for different functions.

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies. The reason being- that Vitamin D is the only Vitamin that your body can synthesize when it is exposed to sunlight. Most of us have lack of exposure to sunlight as we stay indoors for long hours, wear a sunblock and consume a diet that lacks the natural form of Vitamin D. 

Thus it is important to make sure you get adequate sun exposure each day. Try to go out for walks early in the morning as it is the best time, the heat isn’t too much and it is easier to work out.

Moving on, here is a list of some Vitamin D rich foods that will help in boosting your immunity:


Are the only good plant based source of Vitamin D. Wild Mushrooms are an excellent source of Vitamin D but are not available in the market. The ones that are commercially grown are grown in enclosed spaces, they receive less sunlight and again might consist of less Vitamin D. However, there are certain brands that treat the mushrooms with Ultra Violet light, which is why their Vitamin D content is quite good.

Fortified Foods:

Next best option for a vegetarian is to consume foods that are fortified with vitamin D.

Cow’s milk, Soy milk in most countries is fortified with Vitamin D. (Fortification is a process of enriching a food product with certain nutrients to improve their nutritional value)

Cereals and Oatmeal:

A lot of cereals and oatmeal brands are fortified with Vitamin D. They make good breakfast options.

If you are a vegan or a vegetarian, you must talk to your doctor about Vitamin D supplementation as food sources might not end up giving you enough vitamin D.

Non Vegetarian Sources:

  • Egg Yolk: Eggs are the most power packed food that one can have. Egg whites are rich in protein and the yolk is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. So make sure that you consume one whole egg daily.
  • Sea Food: Amongst the non-vegetarian food sources, sea food is the richest source of Vitamin D.
  • So make sure to include a lot of Tuna, Salmons, Sardines, Cod fish into your diet.
  • You can also consume Cod-Liver oil, that is commercially available in the form of capsules.

