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School After Lockdown: Ways to Support Your Child

Two long years have passed by from sustaining lockdown after lockdown.

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After being stuck inside the walls for quite a while, it is time that children wait for their mid-morning school buses every day. Adapting to a change is challenging even for adults; how will a child be an exclusion? To ease their comeback, it is important that the children are braced up with care and support. Read this blog that guides you as a parent or as a caregiver to ward off your child’s lockdown blues.

1) The Word Power

Asking the kids how they feel about going back to school and giving them words of affirmation to set their mood right. To break the ice for your kid, acknowledge that it is hard to get back to school but it is gonna be okay! As a parent, your choice of words makes their mind. So make sure to feed positive thoughts and listen to what they have to say.

2) Setting a Sleep Routine

One in a bunch of shortcomings faced after lockdown is a messed-up sleep routine. Boredom had made sleep a hobby to many. To get back to school before the bell and to not be a latecomer; waking up on time becomes important. As a parent, help your child get the right kind of sleep and the right wake up.

3) Necessitate the New Normal

While setting their mind is important, prioritizing health is of high-level importance too. Your new normals must be already on point; guide your kids to follow the same as well. Accommodate them to follow practices such as masking, hand hygiene, and social distancing.

4) One Step at a Time

Adapting a habit is impossible on one stroke; even for us right? So do not create a rush, instead, give them time to adapt to the changes and help them take a single step at a time. Children are adapted to computer classrooms and will find it hard even to dress up in uniforms. Understand that it is just a phase and give your habit of looking for progress and grades a pause: instead, prioritize your child’s coping up to change.

5) Availability Matters

When in pain, children always look for their parents or caretakers more than anyone else. Similarly, at times like this even though they may not open up due to fear, make time to talk through what they are facing, engage in fun activities with them. In short, be available!

6) Embrace the New Hobbies

Your child might have awed you with some new talent of theirs, or discovered a new hobby or an interest; help them shape it!

Being a parent might be too much on your plate at times. In the end, your kid’s smile is all that matters, right? Take time to understand your kids and give them time to adapt to this new change. What your child might want is nothing more than for you to tell it is alright! And you are doing good! Though these are just a bunch of simple words, the power it holds is beyond words.
