Beat the Summer Heat With These Hydrating Fruits

Summer is at our doorstep, and many parts of the country are experiencing intense heat waves that are pushing us to find different ways to beat the heat. Thankfully, nature’s bounty also provides us with deliciously hydrating fruits to help us cool down in the rising temperatures. 

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Many delightful summer fruits have high water content and are a great addition to our plates as they help supplement our daily water intake, which becomes more crucial in the hot summer months. They are also rich in many nutrients that make them a healthy, hydrating snack to enjoy. 

Let’s take a look at some of these amazing summer fruits!



Mangoes are the quintessential fruit of summers in India. The ‘King of Fruits’ contains approximately 83 per cent water that makes it a clear favourite of the season. Mangoes are also packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, folate and fibre. Mangoes can aid digestion and prevent constipation. This juicy summer fruit can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes such as juices, shakes, lassi, salads, or simply enjoy them on their own. 


A beloved summer fruit, grapes are a tasty addition to your plate during the hot season. Black grapes are considered to be the healthiest variety. These sweet and juicy fruits have around 80 per cent water and are rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin B, Vitamin A, copper, potassium and manganese. They also contain a good amount of resveratrol, a chemical that helps to boost your metabolism. Grapes can be beneficial in preventing cancer, heart disease, and help to control high blood pressure. They can be enjoyed in the form of juices, added to salads or eaten on their own. 


Another great reason to follow the popular adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is because apples also keep dehydration at bay. Apples have a water content of around 86 per cent and are a refreshing and nutritious fruit to enjoy throughout the year. Apples are rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, Vitamin C and fibre. Their high fibre content can also help to relieve diarrhoea and constipation. Enjoy this versatile fruit in pies, jams, juices, or eat them as a healthy, filling snack. 


With a water content of nearly 86 per cent, pineapples are a delicious fruit to indulge in during summer. They are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, as well as manganese which enhances bone health. Pineapples also pack a good punch of Vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, copper, thiamine, folate, iron, niacin and riboflavin. Pineapples can be enjoyed in jams, tarts, beverages, salsa and salads, or on their own. 


Few things can beat the fragrance of citrus in the hot summer air. Containing 87 per cent water, oranges make a wonderful fruit to enjoy in the summer. They are refreshingly hydrating and are packed with a host of nutrients including Vitamin C, folate, calcium, potassium and fibre. Oranges can help protect against heart disease, anaemia, certain types of cancer, and they boost the immune system. While orange juice is a popular option, they are best consumed as a whole fruit, since store-bought juices in particular tend to be laden with sugar and do not contain the healthy benefits of fibre which aids digestion. 


This superfood which contains up to 88 per cent of water, is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. They also contain high amounts of lycopene, beta-carotene, folic acid and fibre. Being rich in antioxidants means they help to prevent cell damage and chronic disease, while their high fibre content helps digestion. Papayas are also beneficial for weight management and for people with diabetes. They are best enjoyed in salads, blended into shakes or smoothies, or eaten fresh on their own. 


This delicious fruit boasts up to 90 per cent water, making it an excellent addition to your summer recipes. Cantaloupes are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B9 (folate), potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus and dietary fibre. Containing a high amount of potassium, they help to control blood pressure, while beta-carotene in cantaloupe helps to maintain eye health. With their sweet taste and distinctive melon aroma, they can be infused in water to make a refreshing summer drink or can be added to salads, smoothies, juices or eaten on their own.  


With water content of up to 91 per cent, this delightful superfruit is packed with a host of nutrients including Vitamin C, folate, potassium, manganese, vitamin B and flavonoids. They are also rich in fibre which makes them good for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Strawberries are good for your heart and help to control cholesterol levels. This wonderfully aromatic fruit can be enjoyed in several ways, including in desserts, ice creams, shakes, smoothies and fresh fruit salads. 


A favorite of the season, watermelon, as its name suggests, boasts high water content of up to 92 per cent, which makes it an ideal fruit to be consumed in the summer. Watermelons are loaded with nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and amino acids. They are extremely rich in the antioxidant lycopene which gives the fruit its red colour. Watermelons are also good for your heart and can boost your immune system. Fresh watermelon juice, with less sugar, makes a delicious summer beverage, and eating it on its own adds a healthy amount of fibre to your diet which aids digestion and helps you to feel full and hydrated.  

There are many other amazing fruits that can be added to your summer recipes including grapefruits, plums, peaches, apricots, lychees, mulberries, blueberries, kiwis and even the humble tomato (yes, it is a fruit). Experiment with them in a variety of juices, smoothies and salads; and delight your senses in their aromas, colours, textures and flavours.  

Summer is calling, so enjoy its bounty to the fullest! 



Sudha Joshi Betarbet

Health Editor