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Health Technologies For Bringing Innovation in Healthcare

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Healthcare technologies include medical devices, IT systems, algorithms, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and blockchain, designed to support health tech companies. Many innovative changes in health technology have been made over the years. Dramatic improvements in networking have not only introduced new options for medical treatments but also transformed the jobs of practitioners.   

Artificial intelligence, blockchain, voice search, chatbots, and virtual reality are the most promising health technologies which have initiated innovation in health tech apps. The presence of technology creates new opportunities for patients and different medical practitioners.   

Let us have a look at the list of top health technologies:  

  • Artificial Intelligence:  

This technology is being used in the diagnosis of diseases and offers customised solutions. Artificial Intelligence offers rapid growth and it is the best time to use AI’s potential for healthcare marketing. The use of artificial intelligence is expected to grow effectively at an annual rate of 40%. AI helps in reducing and mitigating the risk of preventable medical conditions in different manners such as:  

Automated reminder: this is used for helping patients who need to take the medication in a specific timeframe. It can also be used to set reminders for routine checkups, follow-ups and medication refills.  

Identify people at high risk: this technology helps in discovering the need for medical intervention and also triggers medical staff to create custom care plans.   

  • Blockchain:  

Blockchain technology in healthcare offers a user-centered way for health information to be kept safe, verified, and shared securely. The blockchain system offers a clear, distributed ledger of records that cannot be changed.   

  • Voice search:  

Voice search is one of the technologies which has become incredibly popular. 40% of individuals are using voice search every day and its focus is on deploying voice-enabled solutions. Voice is one of the healthcare marketing techniques which is used on smartphones and acts as an effective tool in the industry. It is believed that around 20% of google searches on topics around healthcare are done by voice searches. Voice has become one of the main health technologies in which many healthcare marketers invest.   

  • Chatbots:  

Chatbots in healthcare offers a wide variety of benefits in the aspect of bringing a potential improvement in patient pathways, medication management, help in emergencies, and more. Chatbots in healthcare offer a personal experience to patients. Chatbots offer endless services from customer service to potential diagnosis of mild conditions with technology.   

  • Virtual reality:  

Virtual reality provides an immersive experience for patients to virtually tour a health facility. Different technologies generate engagement with virtual reality and is also smart with beneficial technology. VR is a good tool with unrivaled engagement. A promising technology that helps in bringing original content that is calm, and exciting and also makes a huge impact.   

Virtual reality is beneficial to calm the nerves of future patients and also to improve the overall patient experience.   

  • Personalised mobile apps:  

Mobile apps are effective and also help in relieving pressure on the medical staff. Mobile apps are a great way to communicate and stay connected with patients. Mobile apps are useful in various ways such as requesting physician appointments, checking in, and uploading a patient’s medical history for getting lab tests or diagnostic test reports on mobile apps. These health tech companies can create useful digital tools which are perfect for modern-day patients.   

  • Telehealth technology:  

With this technology, medical practitioners can see patients virtually, and avoid personal contact, while still being able to diagnose and treat patients. This technology is effective for saving both patient’s and practitioner’s time.   

  • Cloud computing:  

With patient data being a dynamic thing, it is recommended that healthcare providers have a safe and smooth method for sharing and storing health data. Cloud computing is an excellent way where data collection, storage, and management are achieved in a single platform. The resulting improvement in inpatient care, with the saving of time, is the benefit of this approach.   

  • The Internet of medical things:  

The internet of medical things includes various devices and mobile phone apps that track and also prevent serious concerns for better monitoring and management of conditions. Wearable electrocardiography (ECG) monitors will allow patients with significant ECG changes get timely attention; eventually leading to better patient outcomes and reduced risk of heart attacks.    

Benefits of healthcare technologies:  

  • Improving patient care and experience:  

With the use of technology for measuring and capturing data across the entire healthcare ecosystem gives health companies a ‘big picture’. Technology helps in automating the processes so the company can continuously review the results and also spot issues.   

  • Real-time information exchange:  

The advancement in technology has helped patients and medical practitioners store patient health data securely in an effective manner. The technology has made it easier for digital patient records to be standardized and stored securely.   

  • Flexibility for patients and clinicians:  

With telemedicine technology and patient portal, it provides more ways for the patient to communicate with health professionals. Wearable technology and other portable devices also help practitioners with more ways to evaluate the well-being of the patient in real time.   


Advanced technologies have started to reshape the healthcare industry, making it more dynamic. As the world strives towards a sustainable future, healthcare is trying to contribute to a better environment. There is a lot to be excited about when it comes to technology in healthcare. Here, we have discussed the different health technologies which focus on improving overall outcomes.   

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