Home Remedies to Detox and Lose Weight

Our modern lifestyle – stress, fast foods, exposure to environmental pollution and many more, all these land us up in accumulating harmful toxins and chemicals in our body, resulting in weight gain and other health related problems.

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 However, we cannot really do much to protect ourselves from what’s there in the surroundings, but by detoxifying our system at regular intervals we can really do good to our internal organs and body.

What is detoxification?

Detoxification refers to the process by which we get rid of the harmful toxins, chemicals and wastes that accumulate in our body. Although the liver has the natural ability to remove wastes and toxins out of the body, it is all the more important to support our liver and gall bladder through external means to enhance its functionality and live a healthy life.

A few of the common signs and symptoms of accumulation of toxins in the body are:

  • Fluctuation in weight and weight gain
  • Weak immunity, indigestion and congestion
  • Bad breath and body odor
  • Fatigue, tiredness, headache and mood fluctuations
  • Low grade fever with muscle aches and cramps
  • Skin rashes, acnes and worsening in inflammatory conditions of arthritis and more

Although most of remedies associated with detoxification is to flush out toxins from the body (liver and gallbladder), some of the advantages of it apart from weight loss are:

  • Higher energy levels and improved metabolism
  • Enhanced immunity
  • Regular bowel movements and blood circulation
  • Clearer skin
  • Improved brain functioning and mental abilities

Losing weight can be a long and difficult process, but the combination of certain detoxification methods, along with exercises and well balanced diet is the key to healthy living and retain a healthy weight. By following these simple and homemade steps, you can get rid of the unwanted toxins along with losing weight effectively.

  • The lemonade and cucumber cleanse: one of the most effective and popular detox methods used worldwide. Its impact on weight loss along with clearer skin complexion makes it all the more popular. The water is best for boosting immunity and cleansing toxins from the body. Add some sliced cucumber, lemon and mint leaves and fridge it overnight.
  • Cucumber and grape fruit mix detox: chop cucumber, a medium size grapefruit, a lemon and couple of mint leaves and allow them to sit in water in the refrigerator. Drink it five times a day to get rid of all the toxins from the body along with effective weight loss.
  • Lemon and ginger water detox: ginger is a natural pain killer. Get some grated ginger, lemon and some lemon juice in about a liter of water. Drink it the first thing in the morning and get rid of the toxins and extra weight. It also relieves you from morning stiffness and any pain in the body.
  • Magical green tea detox: it has been found that regular consumption of green tea aids in weight loss, improved metabolism and even controls hair loss. Drink at least two to three cups a day for better results. It is also rich in anti-oxidants and also protects the liver from harmful toxin damages. It also repairs our DNA and regulates inflammation.
  • Try the Epsom salt bath: mix a cup or two of Epsom salt in the bathtub filled with warm water. Soak yourself up for about 15 to 20 minutes and for about three times in a week. It is a great way to loose fat and add magnesium in the body. It also aids in detoxifying metals from the body. It also aids the functioning of many enzymes and boosts immunity apart from giving relief from body aches and joint pains.

The above homemade remedies are safe and naturally detoxifies the body without any side effects. Following them on regular basis will surely aid in effective weight loss. Many overweight people do not eat more food or calories, it is just that they eat the wrong type of food. These food groups lowers the metabolism rates, leading to excessive weight gain and cardiovascular ailments. Regular detoxification will assist greatly in improving metabolism and thus weight loss.

