Categories Abhi ADO Dermatology

Go for Yoga to Prevent Hair Fall Naturally

Does Yoga help in hair fall? Well, the answer is Yes. 

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Yoga imparts these benefits-
➢ Improves blood circulation to the scalp

➢ Combats the root cause of hair fall i.e. stress

➢ Helps in balancing hormones

The 5 best Yoga poses for hair fall prevention are- 

1. Anuloma Viloma- Sit in Sukhasana. Close the right nostril with the right thumb, inhale as much oxygen as you can through the left nostril. Remove your thumb from the right nostril and exhale. Repeat the process vice-versa. This allows maximum oxygen and calms our brain.

2. Kapalbhati Pranayam- It boosts blood circulation, reduces hair greyness & hair fall. Sit in Padmasan with spine straight. Inhale deeply with both the nostrils as much as you can. Now exhale with a force that you feel pressure in your abdomen. Repeat the steps.

3. Sirsasana- It relieves stress, increases the blood flow to the scalp preventing hair fall. Sit with your knees on the floor with hips resting on the heels. Slowly and gently bend forward, keeping the forearms on floor, interlocking the fingers of both hands. Place the top of the head on the floor and perform a headstand. Inhale and hold as long as you can. Exhale.

4. Uttanasana-It also improves blood circulation to scalp thus helps in preventing hair fall. Stand straight with legs close to each other touching knees, heels, feet & toes. Now lift your hands and bend forward until your hand touches the floor. Allow a few deep breaths.

5. Surya Namaskar- It includes a series of 12 yoga poses, each with specific benefits. If done regularly, it helps in detoxification of the body with improved blood circulation and hormone balancing effects.

Start Yoga to prevent hair fall naturally.

