Benefits of Breastfeeding

Babies are born to breastfeed and mother’s milk is the most ideally designed food by Mother Nature for the first 4-6 months of life.
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What makes mothers milk so special?

Well, only having all nutrients is not important but having all the nutrients in RIGHT PROPORTION is important. Mother’s milk contains

  • Right form of sugar “Lactose” which makes the baby’s body and brain grow optimally
  • Right proportion of proteins and fats for easy assimilation and digestion
  • Right amount of calcium, vitamins and iron so as to not overload baby’s body but enough for growth

All this helps babies grow healthy and not necessarily CHUBBY

And mother’s milk has customization as well.The composition and volume of milk is different for a premature baby, for twins, for first few days of life(colostrum) and latter stages of life. Why this is so important?

  • Premature baby:higher protein content and more antibodies for catch up growth
  • Twins:double the volume of milk
  • Colostrum:full of antibodies, high in protein and low in sugar so that a small amount of milk is enough
  • Infant:high in sugar and calories

Mother’s milk gives so much more than nutrition which no formula milk can replicate

  • Strengthens baby’s immune system: Babies get antibodies, immune factors, enzymes, and white blood cells via mother’s milk, esp. with colostrum which strengthens baby’s immunity not only while feeding but for a longer time afterwards.
  • Prevents infections: Mother’s milk creates the right environment in baby’s body to significantly decrease the risk of infections like pneumonia, diarrhea, ear infections, brain fever, etc..
  • Better control of infections:Babies who get infections and are on breastfeeding are protected by antibodies which the mother produces to fight those infections. Antibiotic usage is less and recovery is faster.
  • Decreased risk of allergies lifelong:Proven beyond doubt, babies who are breastfed have lesser chances of milk allergy, atopic dermatitis (eczema) and wheezing.

And some benefits you would never have thought of:

  • Lesser chances of getting obese later on in lifeoptimally
  • Smarter babies with better IQs
  • Decreased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome by 50%
  • Lesser chances of childhood blood cancers like leukaemia
  • Some protection against diabetes, heart diseases, inflammatory bowel disease later on in life

Breastfeeding is so stressful at times! What does the Mother  get in the bargain?

  • Better and secure bond in a new relationship to start with
  • Emotional satisfaction and lesser baby blues and depression
  • Financial savings for the family, approximately to the tune of Rs. 2500-3000 per month
  • A natural and quite effective contraceptive for first six months
  • A big menstruation holiday and no more tampons
  • Helps you lose weight as breastfeeding consumes 500 calories per day
  • Makes your bones stronger and decrease risk of osteoporosis as body absorbs calcium more effectively
  • Faster recovery from childbirth and reduced post-delivery bleeding
  • Proven to decrease chances of breast and ovarian cancer later in life
  • Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension and high cholesterol later in life
  • Nothing easier than breastfeeding while travelling
