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In The News: Coffee and Tea Protect Your Liver

Chronic liver diseases rank high as a cause of death worldwide. Many of these disorders are attributed to unhealthy lifestyles. Liver-related death is closely related to the development of cirrhosis, preceded by progressive fibrosis (scarring of the liver resulting from chronic inflammation).

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A research article published in the Journal of Hepatology states that drinking coffee and herbal tea may protect against liver fibrosis, estimated as the degree of liver stiffness, which causes extensive scarring of the liver. As these beverages come with the three-fold benefits of being popular, widely available and inexpensive, they have the potential to become important in the prevention of advanced liver disease. 

The consumption of herbal tea and daily consumption of three or more cups of coffee was associated with lower liver stiffness, independent of other lifestyle and environmental factors. Also, diets rich in unhealthy components including processed foods and artificial sugars lack nutrients. This promotes obesity and its widely acknowledged derivative: fatty liver disease due to extensive accumulation of fat in the liver.

Accessible and inexpensive habits that have potential health benefits, such as coffee and tea consumption, is a simple approach to to halt the progress and spread of liver disease.

In addition, coffee has been demonstrated to be inversely associated with overall death rates in the general population. People who reported drinking more coffee tended to live longer than those who reported drinking less. The exact mechanism is unknown but it is thought that coffee exerts anti-oxidant effects.

This data was gathered from a study in over 2000 participants in Holland.  

Conclusion : Although drinking coffee cannot be unequivocally recommended as being good for your health on the basis of these kinds of studies, it is suggested that for many people, no long-term harm will result from drinking coffee or tea. 
