ADHD- All You Need To Know!!

Your child just can’t seem to sit in a place, is always jumping around. You are happy your child is active and energetic, but as your child grows, you find it difficult as you are getting complaints from his teacher, his notebooks are incomplete. His teacher tells you he has ADHD! You seem to think he is doing it intentionally!!

So is it hyperactivity or is it ADHD? Is there a difference?

Read on to know more..

Every child gets restless and fidgety from time to time, sometimes it is hard to harness and control their energy. It is common for kids to day dream or be inattentive at times. All kids get angry and throw tantrums once in a while.

ADHD is more than being energetic and hyperactive. It is a medical condition that can disrupt social growth and family life if not treated.

What Is ADHD?

ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. Symptoms begin at 3-4 yrs of age and steadily worsen.

What are the symptoms to watch for?

The common symptoms are:

  • Being easily distracted
  • Jumping from one activity to another
  • Being disorganized and forgetful of daily activities
  • Seem not to listen when spoken o directly
  • Losing things
  • Careless mistakes
  • Falling behind in grades at school
  • Having excess energy
  • Always on the go
  • Fidgeting, jumping and running about even when not appropriate
  • Talking too much
  • Squirming, constantly moving hands or feet when sitting
  • Careless mistakes
  • Act as if driven by motor
  • Blurting out answers
  • Being impatient
  • Interrupting others
  • Acting before thinking
Cause of ADHD

There is no specific cause. Some risk factors are:

  • Genetic
  • Alcohol and drug use during pregnancy
  • Premature delivery
  • Low birth weight
Diagnosing ADHD

If you observe the above mentioned symptoms and you are receiving frequent complaints from school regarding his behavior, you can speak to a doctor.

The doctor will take a detailed history and collect information from school teachers as well. ADHD test is a questionnaire that parents can answer which aids in diagnosis. No blood test/ scan can help. It is a clinical diagnosis.

How does it affect the child as he grows?

As the child grows, hyperactivity may reduce, however, inattention persists and causes academic backwardness too.

Other effects are self esteem issues, behavioral problems, anger dyscontrol, substance abuse.


MYTH: ADHD is the result of bad parenting.

FACT: Symptoms of ADHD are not because he has not been taught these things, it is because he cannot control his impulses. Problem is in brain chemistry, not in discipline. However, positive parenting techniques do influence course of ADHD.

MYTH: Children who take ADHD medication are more likely to abuse drugs once they become teenagers.

FACT: The truth is just the opposite. Untreated ADHD increases the risk that an individual will abuse drugs or alcohol.

MYTH: ADHD is not a real disorder. My child will out grow it.

FACT: ADHD is very much a real medical disorder. More than 70% of kids with ADHD continue to have it in adolescence while 50% continue to have it in adulthood.

MYTH: Medicines will harm the child or stop his growth.

FACT: Research has proved that medication used for ADHD do not cause growth retardation.

MYTH: ADHD children are not intelligent.

FACT: It is found that IQ scores of children with ADHD is usually average- above average. It is only due to their ADHD symptoms, they lag behind in academics.

MYTH: Only kids who run around and not sitting have ADHD.

FACT: Hyperactivity is one of the most common symptoms of ADHD, however not the only one. It is possible for a child to be suffering from ADHD without being hyperactive.

MYTH: ADHD is a result of child eating too much sugar or colouring foods.

FACT: Excess consumption of sugar can not cause ADHD, however, in certain cases, a dietary modification may be advised.


ADHD is treated in two ways, one is medication, other therapy.

The two main types of therapy are occupational and behavioral therapy. Your doctor will help you decide the course of treatment.

What can parents do?

Life as a parent of a child with ADHD can be overwhelming at times, but, as a parent, there is a lot you can do to help, control and reduce symptoms. The earlier and more consistently you address the problems, the better is the outcome.

  • Remember that the child with ADHD is not acting difficult, they have a hard time controlling their impulses
  • Children with ADHD are more likely to complete tasks that occur in predictable patterns, create and sustain a structure at home, simplify your child’s schedule
  • Engage them in physical outdoor sports. Swimming, skating, cycling, aerobics are great for these kids
  • Limit the time spent on gadgets and video games
  • Be on the look out for good behavior and consistently acknowledge and praise their efforts
  • Set small achievable targets for your child and acknowledge, praise and reward him for completion of tasks
  • In case of tantrums and outbursts, time out is better than punishment
  • Ensure that all those at home involved in child care are on the same page when it comes to disciplining
  • Split tasks, provide frequent reminders and checklists, give small breaks
  • Ensure your child has a peaceful relaxing sleep
  • Limit junk food, foods high in preservatives and artificial sugars
How can teachers help?

You child spends most of his awake time in school. So teachers are an important part of your child’s treatment plan. Classroom accommodation strategies will be beneficial for your child.

In case your child is on therapy/medication, inform the teachers as they can give you feedback on his improvement.