An Open Letter to my Doctor, This Doctors’ Day

Dear Doc, I hope this letter finds you in the pink of your health. I’m doing great, all thanks to you. Since there are

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always so many patients waiting in queue to see you, I never really get a chance to tell how I truly feel whenever I visit you.

And I realize that maybe this letter has been long overdue, but as they say, better late than never. So this Doctor’s Day, here are 5 thoughts on you that not just me but every one of your patient (At the risk of sounding presumptuous) probably has had from time to time, that you may or may not know about: 

  1. It’s been a pleasure and honor knowing you Not just because you have the power and knowledge to heal us back to health when we are sick (Although God knows that should be reason enough); but also because apart from being a great doctor, you’re a fabulous human being. Your kindness is evident from how you go out of your way to give me insights regarding my health and well being that go above and beyond your call of duty. For instance, when I had that fracture, you not only prescribed the required mode of treatment that ensured a speedy recovery but also gave me additional insights on bone health and easy ways to keep my Vitamin D and calcium levels high. Thanks to that, my bones are strong and in perfect health. I just got the annual test you prescribed. (That’s how I know)

     2. Thanks for taking that 3 am Call! When my dad had that awful chest pain, you were the first person I called. I assumed the worst because of his existing heart problem, but I still managed to stay calm. Because I knew you’d pick up the phone and quickly tell me what to do. Luckily, it turned out to be just gas 🙂 Er, sorry for ruining your sleep, doc.

  1. Your Smile Warms My Heart! I love that despite your insanely busy schedule, you still manage to have such a personal touch with me as well as your other patients. You remember my name, ask how my little brother is doing and smile to let me know that my acne isn’t all that serious in the larger scheme of life and all its troubles. That it’s just a phase and while you may not possess the magical powers to make the awful marks vanish at once, your medical skills and experience will ensure that they slowly yet steadily fade away. And until then, I should keep smiling just like you do through your stressful, choc-a-block day.

OK, now for some slightly awkward stuff:

  1. Go a little easy on the meds please! We know that you want us to get well (very) soon and that prevention is better than cure. But you really get our spirits up when you say ‘’I am not going to give you many medicines this time’’, and then lo and behold! Three kinds of pills, one syrup? Doctor please just one this time? Okay, maybe two? Er, Pretty please? But we know you’ll only do that if it’s possible, and not just because we are flattering you 🙂 Because our good health is your topmost concern and topmost priority.

    5. The Only thing I don’t LOVE about you is your Handwriting

OK, maybe now I’m really hoping for miracles but sometimes I do wish that instead of writing out my prescription, you could type it out. The only person who actually finds your writing legible is the guy at my pharmacy counter. And whilst that does serve the purpose, I do wish I could read what’s written on that mysterious piece of paper too sometimes.

But all said and done,

You make the world a better place, Doc. Not just for me but for everyone who has had the privilege of knowing you, both professionally and personally. So thank you again and again for being there for us. Please stay well and take care because I know that with so many people to heal, your own health and well being can sometimes take a backseat.

Signing off,

A Really, Really Happy (and Healthy) Patient.
