Ankle Sprain – Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention

What is an Ankle Sprain? An ankle sprain is an injury to the ligaments which connect the bones of the leg to the foot.

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These tough tissues have a limited and specific range of motion in which they can be twisted and when they are pushed or stretched beyond that, it results in the tearing up of the ligaments. Sprained ankles most commonly involve injuries to the ligaments on the outer side of ankles.

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This typically happens when you accidently twist or turn your ankle in awkward way. During physical activity, the ankle may twist when there is unexpected movement. It is common to see swelling in the area and you may also find it difficult to stand or walk properly. This can happen to anyone who is a little active and participates in sports etc. Sometimes inappropriate footwear can also cause injuries.

It is always recommended that you call the physiotherapist in case of spraining the ankle. A good and professional physiotherapist can study the injury properly and then set a proper course of physiotherapy treatment for proper recovery.

What are the symptoms of an Ankle Sprain

Though the symptoms are listed below it is important to see a good physiotherapist once so that you may know the exact issue with your ankle. It might be a simple sprain or something severe too.
– Swelling
– Pain
– Stiffness
– Skin discoloration
– Bruising


A physiotherapist or a doctor will help you determine the extent and the area of the damage. He will perform a physical examination to know which ligaments are torn. It may involve moving the ankle joint in various directions to check the range of motion. To rule out the possibility of fracture, be it major or minor, X-ray may also be conducted. To check for other injuries like serious damage to ligaments, bone chipping etc. an MRI may be done too. These kinds of tests help physiotherapists and doctors make a proper and complete diagnosis and then come up with a proper course of treatment.

How is Ankle Sprain Treated?

Though you may not go to doctor for the treatment, it is always advisable to consult one to prevent further discomfort and recover faster. They are always available with tips and suggestions which you can use to care for that damaged ankle while getting treated for the same. You would not want to put weight there as it can further worsen the pain and the swelling.
In case of severe injury, you should always go for treatment under the supervision of a qualified professional physiotherapist. But if it is a mild sprain, you can go for home treatment too which might include:

  • Using Bandages to wrap the ankle
  • Taking anti-inflammatory pain-killers
  • Keeping the foot on a pillow so as to increase the elevation
  • Using clutches

You can also apply ice-packs to the injured area so that the swelling can be brought under control. On the day of injury, it is advisable to apply ice every 1-2 hour, three to five times a day based on the severity of the injury. Once the swelling reduces with time, you can decrease the frequency.

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Most of the cases of ankle sprain are successfully treated using non-surgical methods. And it may take from few days to several weeks to get healed. It is a rule of thumb to not put weight or pressure on the side of the leg having the ankle sprain.
Surgery is rare but may be inevitable in cases of severe damage. Options include:

  • Arthroscopy: It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure on a joint in which an examination and sometimes treatment of the damage is performed.
  • Reconstruction: In this, a surgeon may repair the affected ligaments with stitches. Ligaments and tendons from other parts of the body like the foot or ankle are used to repair the damaged ligaments.
    After such surgery, one needs to attend physiotherapy sessions to strengthen the ankle. This includes regular consultations with the physiotherapist.

Majority of the cases are not that serious and patients get their ankle sprains healed completely with proper treatment. Though, pain and swelling eventually go away with time, the ankle is always at a greater risk of injury as compared to the one unaffected. Hence you should get adequate advice from the doctor before proceeding with exercises.

How Can I prevent Ankle Sprain?

Risks of future sprains can be lowered by paying attention to the following:
  • Performing strengthening exercises
  • Warming up before exercises
  • Paying attention to surfaces while walking
  • Slowing down when we feel fatigued