Best Homeopathic Remedies to Reduce High Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance which is produced by the liver. It is present in every cell of our body. Large

[the_ad id=”6178″]amounts of cholesterol are usually produced by the body and only a small amount is obtained from the food. The high amount of cholesterol in your blood is not just due to eating fatty food but it is also due to physical or mental stress that your body is unable to deal with. Physical stress like after surgery, after heavy physical labor, infection or a health-issue like liver enlargement, etc. and mental stress including emotional disturbance, the death of a family member, severe anxious or fearful nature, etc. 

Cholesterol is essential for our body because it helps maintain and regulate the vital functions of our body like the production of essential hormones, fighting infections, building immunity. It also helps in bone formation and development of brain function.

It is a myth that most of the time high cholesterol is due to either a bad lifestyle, unhealthy food habits or due to less physical activities. These are the triggering factors, but not the real cause for high cholesterol levels. The high levels are due to the body’s incapability to deal with the stress. It is for sure that you can reduce or maintain your cholesterol by having a healthy diet and regular exercise, by sleeping well and reducing the stressful lifestyle. However, it is not always possible to deal with your stress. So, along with a change in lifestyle, homeopathic remedies can be taken that would work effectively in dealing with the stress level and thus reducing the cholesterol in our body. These remedies not only help reduce the cholesterol safely but also help maintain the desired level for a longer time and maintain the healthy life.

There are some specific remedies in homeopathy that helps deal with the high cholesterol levels caused due to physical stress. They are:

Curcuma Longa – The common name of this remedy is turmeric, which is commonly used in our traditional food preparation. This remedy can be taken either in the form of mother tincture or in low potency in case mother tincture is not available. This remedy significantly reduces the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) level. This remedy has a great anti-atherosclerotic function, which means it has an ability to protect and prevent the arterial walls from hardening and narrowing.

Allium Sativum – This homeopathic remedy is made from garlic. It is especially useful for people who suffer from high cholesterol levels and who eat a lot of meat, with stomach-related issues like constipation, eructations constantly after eating food, etc. It has vasodilatory properties. That means it has the capability to reduce high blood pressure caused due to high cholesterol levels in the blood. 10 to 20 drops of Allium sativum twice a day would reduce the high blood pressure and cholesterol as well.

Cholestrinum – This remedy is mainly indicated when a person suffers from liver or gallbladder disease along with high levels of cholesterol. Actually, when the high cholesterol is due to liver disease or disease of the gallbladder, this remedy acts well in lower potency. It is indicated in people who suffer from severe pain in epigastrium, severe acidity, no appetite and feel nauseous often. It is also indicated in acute attacks of gallstone pain that come suddenly. This remedy not only relieves the acute attack of pain but also cures the problem to a larger extent.

There are several more homeopathic remedies for this condition. However, it is not possible to mention all of them here. Also, there are lots of other remedies that deal with your mental stress levels and regulate your cholesterol. These remedies are individualized, which means they are prescribed based on the individual case history and after understanding a person completely. A good homeopath can surely direct you to these remedies.

