Breathe Easy With Homeopathy

Asthma is a scary word. Being labelled as an ‘asthmatic’ seems like a lifelong stigma filled with fears and a long list of restrictions. What about solutions though? Are there any medicines that could help in providing lasting relief, and that too, without any concern about side effects and recurrence? YES, there are!

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The solution lies in gentle Homeopathy. Get introduced to the youngest, gentlest and most effective method of healthcare – HOMEOPATHY.

But first, what are the early signs through which Asthma could be detected? 

Suspect Asthma if you or your loved one has:

  • Frequent coughing, especially during the nights
  • Tendency to cough after exercise
  • Breathlessness even if the exertion is slight
  • Known history of skin or nose allergies

These manifestations should set the alarms bells ringing in your mind and compel you to visit a doctor for an early diagnosis. Remember, the earlier you begin treating Asthma, the more are the chances of improvement and recovery.

How Homeopathy Can Help In Managing Asthma

Homeopathy has a proven track record in relieving Asthma and not just with symptomatic relief. Homeopathy offers a holistic solution to the disease. This is because the homeopathic doctor takes into consideration not just the symptoms you experience, but also your life situation, and the events leading up to the asthmatic episodes.

This gives a deeper view into the person suffering from the disease and helps to identify and prescribe the most precise and accurate homeopathic medicine. Homeopathic medicines focus on improving the immune system of the body such that the enhanced immunity itself fights the disease, rather than just focusing on suppressing the symptoms.

Moreover, homeopathic medicines are the best choice when it comes to managing Asthma in children, pregnant women and senior citizens as well.

Of course, no management of a disease is complete without appropriate lifestyle and food-related measures.

Here are some guidelines that a person suffering from Asthma needs to follow:

  • Most cases of Asthma have their basis in allergies. Always keep a watch on the triggers that could precipitate an asthmatic episode like:
    • Cigarette smoke (active or passive)
    • Pollution
    • Dust
    • Change of weather
    • Artificially colored and flavored foods
    • Stress
  • Have more of naturally colored fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and help in boosting immunity.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids also have an immune-supporting effect. Stock up on walnuts, flax seeds, tuna and salmon.
  • Keep away from processed and packaged foods which contain artificial colors, flavors and preservatives.
  • Being active is important, and you need not let asthma control your physical activity. Choose an activity which is moderate in intensity and aim for 30 minutes a day.
  • Being overweight contributes to frequent asthmatic episodes. Take steps to lose excess weight and be more energetic.
  • Breathing exercises and Pranayama can improve lung capacity and health. Practicing them even for 10 minutes a day can help in the long run.
  • Stress is one of the major contributing factors in Asthma. It is very important to manage stress levels through adequate sleep, nutritious food, sufficient exercise and relaxation.

