Essential Medical Tests Especially For Your Health Interests

Have you ever realized that with advancing age, you are more prone to develop various kinds of diseases?

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Sometimes, these diseases may come up with manifestations, and at times, they may silently progress inside the body without showing any signs and symptoms.

Between the ages of 30-50, the human body undergoes various changes, such as a decrease in hormones, graying of hair, weakness of bladder muscles, prostate enlargement, degeneration of joints, the arrival of menopause in women, etc. Several of these symptoms could be triggered much before time by an underlying disorder, such as diabetes or a cardiovascular disease. 

Although an astute physician may reach a probable conclusion based upon the presenting signs and symptoms; in several cases, his/her diagnosis may not be the final one. In fact, diagnosing a disease based on its presentation is akin to looking at a shadow and guessing its origin (without knowing the actual object).

Thus, Senior Health Check Up becomes imperative not only in identifying the exact cause of the illness but also in helping us catch silently progressing diseases which can turn fatal.

Given below is a list of Senior Health Check Packages which you should certainly undergo once you cross 30 years of age:

Complete blood count (CBC):

It measures the cells that make up your bodies, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It might be conducted as a part of a yearly check-up. Usually, the doctors order it to:

  • See whether you have a health issue or to explain symptoms, such as weakness, fever, bruising, or feeling of tiredness
  • Check for less hemoglobin in the blood (anemia) or blood cancers (e.g., leukemia)
  • Monitor a blood condition you already have
  • Evaluate how medications or treatments such as chemotherapy are affecting your blood

Blood pressure (BP) levels:

Your blood pressure is recorded in the form of two components: systolic BP (pressure of the blood when heartbeats) & diastolic BP (pressure of the blood when the heart relaxes). Although the standard range of BP is 120/80 mmHg, it may vary from individual to individual.

Usually, systolic BP rises steadily with age owing to the increased stiffness of large arteries, long-term build-up of plaque, and an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease. Also, according to several recent studies, the risk of death from ischemic heart disease and stroke doubles with every 20 mmHg systolic or 10 mm Hg diastolic rise among people between ages 40 to 89. So, a regular BP examination should be conducted to ensure that the BP is under control.

Blood sugar levels:

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when the doctor asks for a blood sugar test? Diabetes (increased blood sugar levels in the blood) right? Blood sugar testing can help us:

  • Identify whether the blood sugar levels are high or low
  • Understand how diet and exercise are affecting the blood sugar levels
  • Understand how different factors, such as illness or stress, affect the blood sugar levels
  • Monitor the effect of diabetes medications on the blood sugar levels

Lipid profile:

It measures the amount of following lipids or fats, namely total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, and triglycerides, in the blood. Although these fats are important for cell health, they can be harmful when they start accumulating in the blood. In a few cases, they can even lead to atherosclerosis (which involves clogging and inflammation of the blood vessels). These factors may affect the normal functioning of your heart. Thus, the lipid profile primarily helps predict the risk for heart disease and stroke.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) test:

It is used to check the risk for heart disease.

Liver function test:

This test is conducted annually to check the status of the liver and ensure that the liver is free alcohol-induced damage, fattiness, and variants of infective hepatitis virus.

Urine analysis:

It checks for the presence of proteins, sugar, and blood (especially in smokers who are at high risk for bladder cancer) in the urine sample, which could indicate kidney disease, among other conditions. If the reports are normal, get tested the next year.

Thyroid function test:

This blood test helps in detecting whether the thyroid gland is functioning normally, is hyperactive (hyperthyroid), or underactive (hypothyroid).


Important tests to be conducted post 40 years of age or Senior Health Check Up:

  • PAP smear test:

It is usually conducted for women who are sexually active to detect the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV), as it is the leading cause of cervical cancer in females.

  • PSA test:

This is a screening test for prostate cancer conducted in males.

  • Mammogram examination:

It is used to detect the presence of lumps in the breast or breast cancer.

