IPV Vaccine

What is the IPV vaccine?

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IPV refers to the Inactivated Polio virus. IPV consists of inactivated (killed) polio virus strains of all three polio virus types and is given as injectable vaccine.
How is it useful?

POLIO is a life threatening infection caused by the polio virus, spreads through feco-oral route. It enters the nervous system and can cause paralysis . Children below 5 years are specially susceptible.

What is the schedule for IPV vaccination?

It may be given at 6/10/14 weeks or 2/4/6/ months followed by a booster at 12-15 months.

What if my child has received only oral polio can she still take IPV?

YES, two doses of IPV 8 weeks apart can be given followed by booster dose 6-12 months later.

IS IPV safe ??

Yes, IPV is one of the safest vaccines. It protects children against all three types of poliovirus. However, the polio vaccine, like any medicine, could potentially cause serious problems, such as a severe allergic reaction. The risk that the vaccine could cause any serious harm is extremely small.


almost 90-100% efficacy

Who should not receive IPV ?

If your child has had a severe allergic reaction from a previous dose of the polio vaccine or a severe allergic reaction to the antibiotics streptomycin, polymyxin B, or neomycin

Can an immunocompromised child take IPV?

YES,its a killed vaccine , so can be administered safely.

If my baby has received IPV , DOES she still need to be given oral polio drops?

YES, IPV (injection) will not replace OPV (polio drops). OPV will continue to be given as part of the routine immunization and polio rounds. IPV does not confer local intestinal immunity and the virus can still be shed in the faeces of the child leading to continued transmission of the virus. IPV offers protection only to the individual child and not to the community so oral polio is still recommended along with IPV.

If INDIA is declared polio free ,why is it still important to take polio vaccine?

Although India has been declared polio free, wild polio virus is still present in neighboring countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. The polio virus can be imported by travelers across countries. Till such time as the polio virus is not eradicated from all the countries of the world, the threat of re-emergence and reinfection of polio remains. This is an important step towards global; eradication of polio which is being implemented in all countries.

