Know about Pneumococcal Vaccine

Pneumonia is lung infection caused by various bacteria/viruses,predominant ones being H.influenza, staphylococci and pneumococci. Pneumococcal bacteria spread from person-to-person by direct contact with respiratory secretions, like saliva or mucus. Pneumonia presents as abrupt onset of fever, chills or rigors, cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing. Other invasive or serious illness caused by pneumococci is meningitis,middle ear infections,sepsis.

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Young children and the elderly (younger than age five years and older than 65) have the highest incidence of serious disease.

What is pneumonia vaccine?

This vaccine prevents serious/invasive disease caused by certain strains of pneumococci bacteria.

Does my baby need the pneumococcal vaccine?

It is not a part of routine immunization schedule in India as of now. It is recommended for all babies and children younger than 2 years old and all adults 65 years or older. In certain situations, other children and adults should also get pneumococcal vaccines.

Is the pneumococcal vaccine used in adults?

Despite appropriate antimicrobial therapy and intensive medical care, the overall fatality rate for pneumococcal bacteria is about 20% among adults. Among elderly patients, the rate may be as high as 60%. So the vaccine is advocated at ages 65 and above or in high risk groups even before 65 years of age.

What is the vaccination schedule?
Age PCV 13(Brand Prevenar) PCV 10(Brand Synflorix)
Less than 6 months 3 doses at 6,10,14 weeks and booster at 12-15 months 3 doses at 6,10,14 weeks and booster at 12-15 months
7-11 months 2 doses month apart Booster in 2nd year 2 doses month apart Booster in 2nd year
12-23 months 2 doses 2 months apart 2 doses 2 months apart
2 years Single dose 2 doses 2 months apart

