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Managing constipation in newborns (age less than 3 months)

What is constipation?

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Constipation in babies is referred to passage of hard stools (poo).Recognizing constipation in newborn is difficult task. Most of the times parents suspect constipation if baby doesn’t pass stool daily. However, in babies, there is no normal schedule of passing stool.

How frequently does baby pass poo?

Breast fed babies can pass poo 6-7 times in a day or once in 7 days. A formula fed baby should pass poo atleast alternate day. A little bit straining, grunting or groaning is expected as baby is learning to pass poo. But if he is crying during passing poo, then it’s a problem.

What are the causes of constipation in babies?

Constipation in newborns is not very common. One should always consult a Pediatrician to find out the cause. Diseases like anal stenosis, Hirschsprung’s disease, hypothyroidism, spina bifida, cystic fibrosis may cause constipation. Apart from this, dehydration and formula feeding can also cause constipation.

What should I do when my baby gets constipation?

First thing is to contact your pediatrician and get the baby examined. If your pediatrician suspects something unusual, he may order few tests like TSH level (generally done in newborn screening), abdominal x ray or barium enema.

Which medications should I avoid?

Avoid lubricants, which are paraffin based as they can cause pneumonia in very young babies.

When should I consult the doctor immediately? (Danger signs to look for!)

  • When the baby has blood in the poo
  • Baby is having increased size of his tummy
  • Baby has vomiting, his is excessively sleepy and not eating enough
  • Baby is not growing well
  • Baby has a tuft of hair at the lower back (e.g. spina bifida)
  • Baby has not passed the poo within first 24 hours of life (e.g. Hirschsprung’s disease)

Key points:

  • Constipation in newborns is uncommon and immediate pediatrician’s advice should be sought
  • Diseases causing constipation should be ruled out
  • Avoid medications as much as possible

How constipation is treated?

If there is nothing unusual after examination, then your doctor may ask to do few things like:

  • Moving baby’s legs as if he is riding a bicycle
  • Massage of baby’s stomach. 
  • Stimulation of the rectal area with the cotton swab
  • Occasional use of a glycerin suppository
  • Change in the formula in formula fed baby may help

Medications are generally not required at this age. If constipation is very severe and remains despite above efforts then laxatives like polyethelene glycol can be given after pediatrician’s advice.

