Categories Mental Health

Note to self

We are often taught how to respect others, to be polite, to
take care and to be patient with them. But what we are not taught is to
respect, take care, be polite and to be patient with ourselves.How do we
know we are being polite to ourselves?

Believe in the fact
that you are important and valuable.

Maybe our society wasn’t good enough in communicating this
to us but we ought to believe in this as much as you do in others. Often people
tend to associate the situation and self-worth. These two are two different
things, your worth is not determined by the situations you are in and vice
versa. There is nobody else who can make you feel important unless you validate
this belief in yourself. And if there is anyone or anything that makes you feel
otherwise, that is simply toxic. Give it a thought maybe?


This is a word that is being used a lot these days. What exactly
does this mean? It means that you will take care of your physical, emotional,
mental wellbeing. We often have the mentality to be taken care by someone, now
this could be attention that you are seeking for which is fine, but expecting
someone to be responsible for your health is not. You are very much capable of
making decisions, of keeping yourself away from things that could be toxic be
it substances, people, environment, relationships, lifestyle or anything that
would cause you distress right away or in a long run.

Life isn’t a bed of
roses, so allow yourself to make mistakes.

When your friend dates the wrong person, when your sibling
makes a mistake, when the roommate could not achieve his goals, you always tend
to empathize, you console them and sometimes motivate them to move on. So why
doesn’t that happen when it come to you? Everybody feels stressed, and under
pressure at some point in time. Change is inevitable and it is something that
you cannot expect to fade away, so grow, learn and adapt with change. At the
same time do not set unrealistic expectations from self, you know yourself
better than any other person.