Categories Health & Wellness

Resolve to practice Self-care this Holiday Season

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Christmas holidays are here and are known as “the most wonderful time of the year”. It’s that time of the year to catch up with friends and loved ones, decorate the house, host parties, attend concerts, and do much more.   

Christmas can be fun, festive, and full of meaning but we must also ensure to practice some self-care tips for less stress and more peace.  

  • Invite a lonely friend over for Christmas dinner-  

It is obvious that all of us may not be fortunate enough to spend Christmas with family, but one should not have to spend festive time alone. You must consider inviting a friend or coworker over for the celebration. They would surely love some company. In this way, they don’t feel lonely and interacting with a friend improves your mental health too. Social bonding lightens the mood and makes you feel happier. It is also known to promote brain health.   

  • Send cards to extended family and distant friends-  

Usually, it is observed that it is not always possible to have face-to-face interaction with everyone we love, especially with distant relatives and friends. Thankfully, we have the option of sending them Christmas cards or gifts. Here you can also include a customized letter or note for your loved ones.    

  • Christmas is the season of giving-  

Christmas is a joyful, warm and festive season- a season where we can share our love by exchanging gifts and presents with family, and friends. As Christmas is the festival of giving, you can donate blankets and food to the homeless. The truth is that holidays are not the best time of year for everybody. By donating food items or warm clothes/blankets you can do a bit by showing some love and care.   

  • Refresh yourself with fun-filled activities-  

During the Christmas vacations, you can indulge yourself in some fun activities such as trekking or river rafting. These are activities for all adventure-hungry and thrill-loving people. Christmas is the right time to relax, take a rest, and have a fun adventure.  

Trekking is an adventure activity that makes you feel refreshed. This helps you to test the limits of your physical and mental power and endurance. Also, this is an excellent opportunity to inhale fresh and clean air.   

River rafting is a high-adrenaline sport and a hobby for many individuals. It is for those who love the idea of sitting under the sun and feeling the cool breeze while getting physical activity. It is revitalizing and energizing.   

  • Be mindful of your nutrition-   

During the holiday season, treats are everywhere. Consuming too much sugar can have an ill effect on health. You must ensure that you are eating complete well-rounded meals and limiting the desserts to one or two a week. Also, you must ensure that you take time to do some physical activity such as a quick walk, yoga, and more.   

  • Get enough sleep-  

It may be quite interesting to clock some late nights shopping, wrapping gifts, celebrating, cooking, and baking but adequate sleep is crucial to feeling the best in mind, and body. Also, this will help in keeping the immune system strong. You must aim to sleep for seven to eight hours.   

  • Stay hydrated-  

During the festive season, we usually tend to underestimate the importance of adequate water intake and forget to hydrate altogether. Dehydration usually takes a toll on the body and makes you feel downright crummy. You must aim to drink 1 liter of water a day, especially during vacations. Water helps boost energy and also flushes toxins from the system.   

  • Limit alcohol-  

It is tempting to indulge in cocktails and alcohol due to the festive season, but you must limit alcohol consumption as alcohol can impair thinking, cause mood swings, raise blood pressure, lead to poor social judgment, lower inhibitions, decrease concentration, and more. We suggest you to sticking to lower-calorie drinks like vodka and add sparkling water and some lemon or lime for flavor instead of opting for sweet, high-calorie alcoholic drinks.   

  • Make a plan to manage the hustle and bustle of the festive season-  

You must take some time to list all the upcoming events, gift lists, and other items you need. This will help in creating a plan and staying organized, so you don’t feel overwhelmed during holidays. By strategizing all the events, you limit the amount of stress.   

Planning out your week is the key to avoiding stress during the Christmas season. Sit down with your calendar before the week begins and schedule all important activities and events. Getting organized mainly includes everything from setting a budget for the vaccination to meal planning and more.   

  • New year resolution for a healthy individual 

As the year is about to end, let us affirm some new year resolutions such as learning something new about nature and also finding ways to reduce harm to the environment. Let us practice a new habit of prioritizing ourselves and practicing self-love. We must also plan to spend more time with family and friends. In 2023, let us encourage social interactions that benefit health, buffer emotional distress and manage relationships better.   


Taking proper care of yourself is paramount to the success of the recovery procedure. Taking care of yourself in all aspects increases the likelihood of enjoying festivals. Christmas is a time of meaning and magic for many. Festive traditions and family time make the most of seasonal cheer. Taking good care of yourself is essential for the recovery process after the Christmas festival 

Taking time out for self-care during the Christmas vacations can be a challenge. But by adopting some quick mindful activities you can bring a major difference in your mental and physical health. By incorporating some self-care methods, you can handle stressful times and enjoy moments of joy.   

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