Skin Signs of Diabetes That Are a Must Know!

Most people think that diabetes can only have symptoms such as dizziness, excessive hunger or thirst. But there is

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an often-ignored yet obvious skin sign- Diabetes Rash .These skin signs start to appear when your blood glucose levels are rising and are indicative of pre-diabetes, un-diagnosed diabetes, or uncontrolled diabetes. Read on to learn about these common signs. 

1. Open wounds or sores 

Open wounds or sores are especially of significance here. This is because delayed wound-healing is the best indicator of uncontrolled diabetes that may require monitoring or testing. Check for wounds, especially in your feet, regularly: the diabetic foot that has serious consequences. If you find any wounds, visit your doctor to either get tested or have your diabetes management regimen changed.

2. Extremely dry and itchy skin

This is another common sign of diabetes. High blood glucose levels can cause your skin to become dry and itchy. Prior skin infection and poor circulation are other causes of dry and itchy skin. The lower part of your legs is especially itchy if you have elevated blood sugar levels. Tell your doctor so he can test you for diabetes.

3. Skin tags

These are pieces of skin that hang off stalks, and they can be indicative of type 2 diabetes if present in large numbers. Skin tags are caused due to an excess of insulin in the blood. Also, skin tags are not aesthetically appealing, so speak to your doctor and see if you can have them removed; also get tested for diabetes.

4. Colored patches, small bumps, or blisters on your skin

These may look like pimples and eventually become hard and swollen; they are red, yellow, or brown in color. They are found on the fingers and/or toes, buttocks, thighs, and the crook of your elbow and can progress to the upper back, shoulders, or neck. Though rare, blisters can also occur. Talk to your doctor to check whether any of these are related to your blood sugar levels and to find out what can be done about them.

