Mosquito-borne Monsoon Diseases

The monsoon season can prove to be a health menace as there are various diseases that come with the rains. Here

[the_ad id=”7718″]we have discussed some common monsoon diseases that are spread by mosquitoes. These diseases spread mainly through stagnant water which is ideal for the growth of mosquitoes. Water left unattended in coolers, rubber tyres or open outdoor containers can also be the breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Some common mosquito-borne diseases are: 


Malaria kills thousands of people every monsoon. It is carried by the female anopheles mosquito, which is an evening and early morning biter.


  • Severe fever with chills, usually occurring within 72 hours of the bite.
  • Bodyache, sweating and cold-like symptoms
  • Can also include diarrhoea, jaundice


Dengue is carried by the Aedes mosquito which is a day time biter.


  • High fever within four to seven days of the mosquito bite
  • Rashes on the body along with severe muscle and joint pain
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bleeding gums


Chikungunya is carried by the Aedes mosquito which is a day time biter.


. Rashes on the body along with severe muscle and joint pain especially, knee pain

. Fever

. Vomiting


o Wear long sleeve shirts and pants to protect your body from mosquito bites when leaving the house during early morning or evening hours.

o   If possible have window nets and door nets at all entry levels.

o   Always carry an effective mosquito repellent. Nowadays anti-mosquito lotions, sprays and wrist-bands are abundantly available in the market.

 o Avoid stagnation of water near your surroundings, ensure closed drainage in the vicinity and insist upon regular spraying of insecticides in the neighbourhood.

  o Use insecticide-treated mosquito nets at night.

