The Balancing Act: Corporate Life and Breastfeeding

All the info new mothers are looking for on ‘Expressing Breast milk’. Going back to work after maternity leave can be hard. For one, a new mother has got used to a new routine of being with her baby all day; and always being available to attend to their cry, change the dirty nappies, breastfeed whenever necessary and coo them to sleep when needed.

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Suddenly, all of this changes…

She has to leave her little one with a relative or at a creche, get back into her working routine and attend to the baby when she returns home in the evening. In addition to getting used to this dramatic change, many mothers want to keep breastfeeding their little one even after resuming work but don’t know how to do it. Breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of life and then suggested to be added to other food for up to 2 years. But how can she do that when she is at work and her baby is far away at home? 

The Solution: ‘Expressing Breast milk’

When a mother is unable to directly feed her baby on her breast, for whatever the reason may be, she is often advised to ‘express breast milk’. Here she uses her fingers, manual or electric pump to pump milk out of her breast. The milk can be stored in the fridge or freezer and fed to the baby with a bottle or spoon later on.

How long can the milk be stored that depends on where it is being stored:

  • If kept at room temperature (up to 25°C): 6 to 8 hours
  • If kept in a bag with ice packs: 24 hours
  • If kept in the fridge: 5 days, as long as it is kept at the back of the fridge
  • If kept in a separate freezer: 3 months or more; as long as the freezer has a separate door
    and the temperature is 0°C

Here’s how it’s done:

  • Wash your hands before you pump milk
  • If you use your hands to pump, learn how to use specific hand movements on your breast to
    express the milk. It may take some time to adjust to this method
  • If you are using a pump, you can choose either a manual pump or an electric one. The electric
    ones are usually more expensive but easier to use
  • Store the pumped milk in a clean, clear container labeled with the time and date
  • Store the milk carefully and use it within the recommended time
  • When the milk needs to be thawed, warm it under hot tap water. Avoid microwaving the bottle

Practical Tips to Help You Expressing Breast milk

If you plan to express breast milk when you go back to work, you actually need to prepare for it much before you go back to work. Let’s look at how this is done:

While on your maternity leave

  • Start practicing how to pump a couple of weeks before you resume work
  • Pump breast milk when your baby is asleep. Build a bank for the caregivers to use during
    your first few days at work
  • Start feeding your baby with the bottle or cup or spoon
  • Have someone else feed the baby, while you remain in the vicinity

While at work

  • Pump milk at the same times as you would if you were at home with the baby. The number
    of times you breastfeed during the day will gradually decrease as the baby gets older
  • Account for the time: pumping will take about 10 to 15 minutes every time
  • Talk to your HR about a suitable place to pump milk
  • Make arrangements to store the breast milk at work or courier it home with ice packs

In conclusion, remember this one thing: breast milk – whether through direct breastfeeding or expressed milk – is wonderful for your baby and you.
