Clear That Headspace: Curb Your Depression

It is said that one in ten people suffer from depression at some point in their lives. I am one such person. Sitting down

[the_ad id=”6114″]on that couch and waiting nervously for the session to begin, a million thoughts went through my head: What had got me here? What in the world had happened? What is really wrong? I then settled on the point of view that the forthcoming session would open my eyes to why I am the way I am. The session begins, and through the course of it, I am blown away. The reason: my very first session brought on a myriad of revelations that I am slowly coming to terms with. Walking you through my first session and several more might offer some insights into what you are going through. It is true that everyone experiences depression differently (adjusted to who you are, what has happened, and your surroundings). However, there is a lot more commonality in what appears to be a diverse phenomenon.

First off, begin by asking yourself these questions:

  • Have you been feeling little pleasure in doing things you normally love?
  • Have you found yourself feeling down and hopeless?
  • Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep; or are you sleeping too much?
  • Are you feeling too tired and bogged down with a poor appetite? Or are you overeating?
  • Have you any trouble concentrating, moving, or speaking as you would normally?
  • Have you felt like you have let everyone down and that you are better off dead?

If your answers vary from most days or often to every day, reassess your thoughts and visit a psychologist or a doctor as soon as possible. Now depression is one of those things that can occur after life-changing events, like a bereavement, job changes, or even the birth of your child. But sometimes, it can occur for no reason at all!

Ever have that feeling that everything is actually going your way, but you cannot possibly fathom why you are feeling so low? This is the right time to visit your doctor and consult with them about what can be done to Curb Depression. While you could feel low sometimes and then get over it after a short while, feeling low for extended periods of time should alert you to visit a specialist. You can be free from it if you make changes to your lifestyle, visit your therapist regularly for psychotherapy, and/or take medications prescribed by your doctor.

It can happen to the best of us, so come on up to turn that frown upside down!

