The Top Symptoms Of Hyperthyroidism You Need To Look Out For

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland that is located in your neck. This gland creates hormones that regulate the use of energy in

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the body. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much of the thyroid hormone. When it is overactive, the metabolism rate in the body accelerates, causing unexplained or irregular weight loss. Hyperthyroidism can become serious if it is ignored but many people respond well to treatment and medication. It is crucial to receive treatment for hyperthyroidism as this hormone can exert a lot of pressure on the body, especially the heart.

Here are the most common symptoms of hyperthyroidism to watch out for.


  1. Weight changes The most significant symptom of hyperthyroidism is a change in your weight. This health condition causes the metabolism rate in the body to increase, meaning that the fat in the body burns faster. Therefore, the nutrition from the food that you consume is immediately burned, leaving very little raw material for the body to convert to fat. Many people view weight loss as a good thing, but if you are starting to lose weight rapidly and without a reason, it could be a cause for concern. Ensure you get a complete health check-up to check if your weight loss is a symptom of hyperthyroidism.


  1. Chronic fatigue- Hyperthyroidism burns the food consumed a lot quicker, leaving very little nutrients to get converted to fat or energy. Therefore, in addition to weight loss, many people who have hyperthyroidism also face fatigue. Since your body is not able to balance the energy levels, you tend to get tired very quickly. While your metabolism is in overdrive, there are only so many hours in the day that you can body can keep up with the high energy levels. The body’s reaction is similar to when you consume large amounts of coffee which can leave you feeling tired and weak at the end of the day.


  1. Mood swings- Weight loss and fatigue can have a huge impact on your mood. Many people who have hyperthyroidism also face mood swings throughout the day. In some cases, this also leads to depression. People who have hyperthyroidism can feel anxious and irritable and have jumbled thoughts. They may also find it difficult to concentrate.


  1. Changing body temperatures- Another symptom of hyperthyroidism is your body’s sensitivity to changing temperatures. If you find that you constantly feel cold or hot, this could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism. The high metabolic rate can affect the circulation of blood in the body so you may feel hot when the temperatures are cold. You may also find that you sweat a lot more than usual.


  1. Irregular blood pressure- The thyroid hormone is incredibly important and affects numerous parts of the body, especially the heart. With hyperthyroidism, the metabolism rate in the body is high, which causes the heart rate to speed up and results in irregular blood pressure levels. This is why it is important to get hyperthyroidism treated as soon as possible because the extra stress caused by high blood pressure can be very dangerous.


  1. Dry eyes- Sometimes, hyperthyroidism can be the cause of an auto-immune disorder known as Graves disease. One symptom of this disease that leads to hyperthyroidism is eye-related problems such as dry or swollen eyes. If your eyes are drier than usual and it is not the cause of an allergy, it is important to get tested for hyperthyroidism and discuss your symptoms with your doctor.


  1. Sore muscles- Hyperthyroidism spikes up the metabolism and causes the body to burn energy faster. Since the energy is consumed so quickly, it can cause joint pain and muscle soreness which results in more fatigue. It is important to study your body and monitor your energy levels. If you haven’t worked out recently or have exerted pressure on your body but still have low energy levels, make sure you consult a doctor.


Hyperthyroidism is a health-condition that begins slowly before it affects different parts of the body. But for younger patients, the effects can be sudden and rapid. Many people often misdiagnose the symptoms of hyperthyroidism as the cause of stress or anxiety. A great way to ensure you are not at risk for hyperthyroidism is to get an annual master health check-up to identify or rule-out the symptoms of any serious health conditions.
