Take Care of Your Feet during Monsoon

Our feet are our most dependable yet the most neglected body part. They take the constant load of our body weight;

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they are most vulnerable to dirt and grime and when monsoon comes, they become the worst sufferers. The waterlogged streets, the mud, dirt, excessive humidity and dampness in the air take a toll on our feet and most often, infections, rashes and other skin problems appear. So you must take double precaution for your feet during the rainy season. 

Common skin problems during monsoon

The most visible feet problem during the monsoon is fungal infections between the toes. Athlete’s foot is another significant problem throughout the monsoon season.  It is a severe condition which needs immediate attention. It occurs when feet remain wet for a long time after being exposed to muddy, dirty water. The skin becomes white or greenish, and a foul smell comes from the discharge or pus formation. Itchy, reddish bumps might also appear if skin gets infected with polluted water.

Monsoon foot care tips

  • Keep your feet dry: Try to keep your feet dry as much as possible during the rainy season. If you can’t avoid stepping in the waterlogged street, wash your feet thoroughly with soap and water after reaching home and pat dry with a towel.  
  • Avoid infection: Add a drop or two of antibacterial lotion in lukewarm water and soak your feet for about 10 minutes. Scrub lightly to remove dead cells. Pat dry and sprinkle some talc for a fresh feeling.
  • Moisturize your feet: Massage your feet with good quality moisturizer to keep the skin soft and supple and to avoid dryness.
  • Protect wounds: You need to be extra careful if you have any wound on your foot. Cover the wound with a bandage so that it doesn’t come into contact with mud and rainwater. Consult a doctor and take proper steps to make the healing faster.
  • Wear covered shoes: Wearing covered shoes could be a good option as they save your skin from dirty water. Try to wear shoes made especially for the monsoon. These shoes keep your foot covered and dries up quickly.
  • Always keep a pair of extra shoes: If your shoe gets wet in rain, change them as soon as possible. It is a good idea to keep an extra pair of shoes at home and at the workplace so that you don’t have to wear wet shoes.

