These Common Mistakes Might Damage Your Eyes

Our eyes are a very delicate part of the body. Taking proper care of the eyes is very important to avoid eye-related health issues

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 and to ensure a healthy vision in the long run. It is also important to avoid activities or habits that damage the eyes. Here are a few common mistakes which people do on a regular basis that damages the eyes.

1. Wearing lenses for too long: 

The contact lenses act like a barrier and if worn for longer periods of time continuously, it can deprive the eyes of some much-needed oxygen. It can lead to abnormal vessel growth and even infections in the eye. It is therefore advisable to always carry backup specs to provide some relief to your eyes. This also applies to people who sleep without removing contact lenses. This is seriously hazardous for the health of the eyes and should strictly be avoided.

2. The habit of rubbing eyes: 

People who have a habit of rubbing their eyes are at a very high risk of various eye related problems. Especially if the rubbing is hard or if the hands are dirty, the risk is even higher. Rubbing the eyes can irritate and damage the corneas and make one more susceptible to infections.

3. No break:

Just like any other part of the body, our eyes too need rest at regular intervals. Extended hours of staring at the screen due to work, or extensive reading strains the eyes. Also, people tend to blink less when staring at a screen or reading a book. This leads to the evaporation of the eye’s natural lubricants and can lead to chronic dry eyes.

4. Exposure to chemicals:

Activities like doing eye makeup quite often or sleeping without removing makeup, or constantly using eye drops to remove redness, exposes the eyes to unwanted chemicals. Some of these makeup products or eye drops contain particularly harmful chemicals. It is therefore advised to refrain from doing makeups so often or going to bed without removing it.

5. Not regular with checkups:

Negligence towards eye health can have serious consequences. Early diagnosis of any eye-related health problem is very important for the treatment process. It is therefore highly recommended to get your eyes checked up at an interval of 6 months.

