Ways To Get Connected To Your Child

Pregnancy is the most awaited period of woman’s life. It marks the beginning of lifelong love and commitment with

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your unborn!! Earlier months of pregnancy will be the tougher days for the new mom, as it takes time for her to get adjusted to the new stage of life! As the months pass by, she starts counting days to see her baby and will relish every minute of motherhood!!

In earlier days professional mothers were on the lower side in numbers and thus they used to spend maximum time with their babies. But moms in this generation are multitasking and find very less time to spend with babies. This modified lifestyle has reduced bonding between mom and babies!!

To enhance the bonding between you and your babies, here are a few tricks that every new mom should know and even follow if needed – 

  • Spend some private time, one on one preferably – Spending time with your child when he is awake, quiet and alert helps you both establish a good bond in the long run
  • Comfort your baby as much as possible by touch – touch enhances just not the physical bond even the internal bond
  • Make eye contact – Interacting by looking into your baby’s eyes will strengthen the bond
  • Sing to your baby – Hearing your voice will enable to build trust and relationship with you, so sing it away!
  • Mimic your baby’s sounds and babbles – It stimulates his senses and also adds to his speaking abilities
  • Engage in playing with your baby
  • Read out stories for him/her, she/he loves to hear them and in fact more if it is from you
  • Exclusively breastfeed for 6 months and talk to your child every time you feed; he/she might not respond to you but will listen to you
  • Hold your baby close to you always
  • Sleep with your baby 

Follow these simple techniques and get involved with your baby! You might be preparing for his future but he doesn’t know anything except accepting you as his future!!! 

