Protect Your Skin From Pollution

Your skin is a complex organ designed to protect you from external elements. 

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But environmental pollution caused by smoke, car exhaust fumes and smog, increases the levels of free radicals produced by the body, which leads to skin problems and premature ageing.

How does air pollution affect your skin?

• With age, your skin naturally begins to lose moisture and elasticity. Air pollution is one of the main sources of skin damage as toxins present in the air cause the skin of your face, neck and hands to age prematurely.
• Dirt and dust in the air clog your pores and give your skin a dull appearance. Long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to asthma, skin allergies and eczema.
• Polluted air destroys the moisture level which makes the skin dry and patchy causing spots and blemishes.
• UV radiation makes your skin dark, rough, old looking, wrinkled and dry.

How does water pollution affect your skin?

• Spotting the effects of air pollution is easy but to spot the effects of water pollution on your skin is a difficult task. Chlorine present in tap water and swimming pools cause skin damage.
• There are many products to protect your skin from water damage. Water must be filtered before drinking and you must spend less time in the swimming pool, to avoid water pollution.

How to protect your skin from pollution?

Epidermis, the topmost layer of the skin is mostly affected by the environment. There are many skin products available in the market, which slowly damage your skin. Protecting your skin isn’t a complicated task. Here are some inexpensive ways that you must try out.

Keep your skin clean : Daily skin care is very important in order to protect it from pollution. Cleansing removes dirt, pollutants and excess oil that clogs pores from the epidermis. It makes your skin blemish-free. Different skin types require different types of cleansers. Dry skin needs a creamy facial cleanser. Sensitive skin requires an alcohol-free facial cleanser and oily skin benefits from an acidic facial cleanser. So grab a suiting product and clean your skin every day.

Stay hydrated : Water flushes out the toxins from your body and helps the cells to absorb the required nutrients. It also helps your digestive system run smoothly. The water that is lost by the body through sweating is restored when consuming fluids. This makes your skin look clean and fleshy.

Omega 3 booster : Omega 3 fatty acids create lipid-based cell membranes which transport water and essential nutrients. These lipids create an oil shield on the skin which protects it from pollutants and the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are best for your skin. Omega 6 is found in foods like chicken, eggs, meat, seeds, grains and cooking oils. Omega 3 is found in cold water fish like salmon and oysters and in kidney beans, walnuts and spinach. You can also take omega 3 supplements to improve your skin health.

Sunscreen application : Excessive sun exposure makes your skin dark, wrinkled and less flexible. Sunscreen shields your skin from serious diseases like cancer and prevents the ageing signs caused by the rays of the sun.

The power of Vitamins C and E  : These are found in fruits, vegetables, seafood and oils, and are really good for the skin. Vitamin C helps in collagen production, skin maintenance and neutralizes free radicals. It restricts premature ageing. Foods rich in this antioxidant are whole grains, apples, oranges and other citrus fruits. Vitamin E protects the cell membranes from devastation and restrains premature ageing. It’s found mainly in wheat germ oil, spinach, mustard, broccoli and peanut butter.

Try out these ways to keep your skin well-guarded from the evils of air and water pollution.

