What Is the Link Between Diabetes and Heart Disease?

One of the complications of diabetes is heart disease.

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Most often, uncontrolled diabetes over a prolonged period puts you at risk for heart disease. Even if your diabetes is under control, you are still more susceptible to heart disease. Here are some diabetes care tips.

Like diabetes, the symptoms of heart disease can go undetected for years. It has been shown that the risk for heart disease is 5 times higher in middle-aged men and 8 times higher in women with diabetes.

It is commonly believed that heart disease affects the middle-aged and only. However, in severe diabetics’ heart disease can occur before the age of 30. Both type I and type II diabetes pose an increased risk for heart disease. 

Symptoms of Heart Disease in Diabetes

The four most common symptoms are chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, and swelling in the ankles. An electrocardiogram is required to determine if the heart is affected. Most of these symptoms lead to a heart attack and can even cause stroke, especially if you have high blood pressure along with diabetes.

Who Is Affected?

Heart disease can occur in diabetics with other underlying disorders/behaviors, including:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Smoking
  • A family history of heart problems
  • Abnormal cholesterol levels
  • Belly fat and obesity

How Can I Lower My Risk of Heart Disease?

Once you are aware you have diabetes, ensure to make a complete lifestyle modification. You need to start eating healthily and follow a workout routine. Besides this, ensure to manage your blood pressure and to keep your cholesterol levels in check. If you are a smoker, quitting comes with several benefits, like a lower risk of not just heart disease but also other complications of diabetes (kidney disease, eye disease, nerve disease, and foot complications). Quitting smoking brings down your sugar levels, lowers your cholesterol, and brings down high blood pressure.

Also, make sure to stick to your workout routine and to get enough sleep. Consult your doctor for medications to protect your heart and for any doubts, you may have about living with diabetes.


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