Why You Need Folic Acid in Pregnancy?

Are you expecting and wish to prevent risk of birth defects? Are you wondering how can you ensure good 

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development and elimination of birth disorders in your baby? If you nodded along in agreement, you need to include folic acid in your diet while expecting. And, if you are wondering how folic acid can help you and your fetus have good health, then think no further. Read on to discover all about the vital role of folic acid during pregnancy.

Why You Need Folic During Pregnancy? 

Folic acid, also popular as folate, is a B-group vitamin and one of the most crucial nutrients that you need to have in sufficient amounts during pregnancy for healthy development of your fetus and to prevent the risk of birth defects in your baby. It is a synthetic form of vitamin B9. Folate signifies fertility and good development.

Deficiency of folic acid causes anemia, weight loss, weakness, irritability, diarrhea, loss of appetite, headaches, sore tongue, and palpitations. Mild deficiency of folic acid may not cause any significant symptoms, but it may affect your baby’s embryonic development adversely. So, you can even start having folic acid before your pregnancy phase as it helps you enjoy healthy pregnancy once you are expecting. Let’s see how.

Prominent Benefits Of Folic Acid During Pregnancy

Folic acid is essential to ensure appropriate growth and development of your fetus and help you enjoy a healthy pregnancy. Here are some prominent benefits of folic acid during pregnancy.

a. Prevents Anemia

Intake of folic acid increases the production of red blood cells in your body while you are expecting and boosts your hemoglobin. Having good levels of hemoglobin is extremely essential during pregnancy to prevent the risk of deficiency of iron and symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, dizziness, and weakness. Folate ensures good hemoglobin levels and helps maintain good health during this delicate phase.

b. Promotes fetal Development

Good amounts of folate in your body aids neural development of your fetus. Your unborn baby’s brain and spine develop from the neural tube, which is a part of the embryo. Appropriate consumption of folic acid safeguards the neural tube and ensures appropriate initial development of central nervous system of your fetus.

c. Aids Growth Of Placenta

Placenta is an important organ that connects your developing fetus to your uterine wall. It ensures appropriate nutrients supply, waste elimination from baby’s blood, oxygen supply, and immunity of your growing unborn baby when you are expecting. Intake of folic acid promotes rapid cell growth of your placenta, aids nutrients and oxygen supply to your, and ensures growth of the developing fetus.

d. Minimizes The Risk Of Birth Defects And Diseases

Folic acid minimizes the risk of neural tube defects and other birth defects and disorders. Some of the prominent birth defects are:

• Spina Bifida: Folic acid prevents the risk of spina bifida, which is a condition where your growing baby’s development of spinal cord remains incomplete in the prenatal phase.
• Cleft Palate & Cleft Lip: Good amounts of folate during pregnancy prevent the development of cleft palate and cleft lip in your growing baby when you are expecting.
• Heart Defects: Folic acid also prevents the risk of congenital heart defects in your baby.
• Low Birth Weight Issues: Consumption of folic acid ensures good weight gain in your growing baby and prevents the risk of low birth weight problems and poor growth issues.
• Premature Births: Appropriate intake of folic acid also prevents the risk of premature delivery. It also eliminates the risk of miscarriages.

How Much Folic Acid Should You Consume During Pregnancy? 

You can have 400 mcg daily of folic acid once you start planning to start a family and during the first trimester of your pregnancy. During second and third trimester you can have 600 mcg of folic acid. While breastfeeding your newborn, you can have 500 mcg of folate. You can have either supplements of folic acid or include food sources of folate in your diet. Food sources of this crucial nutrient include fortified cereals, spinach, dark green vegetables, fruits, lentils, and beans.

