Almost everyone at some point in their lives has experienced back pain. The degree of pain depends on the severity of the underlying condition.
[the_ad id=”6147″]This symptom is not always serious; mild back pain can resolve itself within a few days, without the need for medication. However, chronic back pain can last for weeks, months or even a lifetime. The root causes for a backache can range from a back injury, muscle strains or sprains, arthritis, cervical spondylosis and herniated (slipped disc). Certain lifestyle habits of today either cause or aggravate the condition of back pain. Some of the activities that trigger a backache include sitting in front of the computer for prolonged periods, slouching in front of the television for hours, wearing high heels regularly, continuously lifting heavy objects, not working out and being overweight.
It is advisable to seek consultation from a physician, if the symptom of back pain does not subside within a week. The doctor will recommend treatment according to the underlying condition. Along with lifestyle alterations and medications, physiotherapy also helps in offering relief to these conditions. Physiotherapy exercises strengthen the muscles as well as the bones, thus proving to be effective in relieving pain. Exercise is one of the best ways to stay in shape, lose weight and also to prevent a backache.
Here is a list of physiotherapy exercises that you can practice at home, which will provide relief from back pain:
The hip twist
For the hip twist, you should lie on your back and keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent. Then, gently twist the lower half of your body to the left side, as far as it can go, without straining. Simultaneously, stretch the upper half of your body to the right. Inhale and exhale deeply, while you maintain this position for a minute. Then return to the initial center position. Now repeat the same exercise starting with the right side instead, and continue this cycle slowly, for about 5 minutes. Practice this hip twist exercise twice a day for 5 minutes. This physio therapeutic exercise is excellent for mobility of the spine.
Lower back exercise
This exercise hyper extends the spine and strengthens the lower back muscles. Lie on your stomach, and slowly push your chest off the ground with your hands. Raise your upper body, while the lower part of your body (from the pelvis to the toes), remains flat on the ground. Extend your arms as much as possible and hold this position for 15 seconds. Repeat this action slowly, 10 more times.
Crawling position explained with the analogy of a baby
Start by getting on your hands and knees, like a crawling baby. Then stretch your hands as far out as they can go and bend your body forward leaning most of your weight on your knees. Hold this position for a minute, while your body stretches and relaxes. Repeat this process three to four times. This exercise helps stretch the spine and relaxes the shoulder muscles. It improves thoracic and lumbar movement as well.
This exercise strengthens back muscles. Stand with your back erect and your feet at shoulder-width distance. Place a stick or a rod that weighs a bit, on your shoulders. Then bend your upper body forward until it is parallel to the floor. After a few seconds, slowly raise it up again. Repeat this exercise slowly, around 5 to 6 times.
Knee to chest exercise
Lie flat on the ground and bend your knees. Slowly, lift one bent knee up to your chest and hold this position for four to five seconds. Then repeat the same process with your other knee. Continue this exercise for 2 minutes.
The flamingo
Stand straight and take support from a wall with one hand. Lift your right leg, bent at the knees, behind your body and hold it by the ankle, with one hand. Maintain this position for five seconds. In a similar way, lift the left leg. Then repeat this exercise about three to four times on each side. This helps ease back pain.
The Hip Raise
For this exercise, you begin by lying flat on your back with your knees bent. Keeping your knees bent, place most of your weight on your shoulder blades and slowly raise your hips. Take deep breaths and hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise about five times. The hip raise is a good exercise for improving the strength and stability of the spine.
Physiotherapists have approved these exercises for patients who experience back pain. After practicing a few of these exercises for a couple of weeks, you should start noticing results. However, some of these exercises could have a harmful effect if the instructions are not followed correctly. Therefore, it is advisable to practice these exercises only under the guidance of an expert medical practitioner.