7 Effective Natural Foods that may help shrink the size of Fibroid

Have you ever heard your female associate complaining of heavy or painful periods, uncomfortable fullness in the abdomen, frequent urination, pain during sexual intercourse, and lower back pain? If yes, then chances are high that she is having fibroid in her uterus. Surprised! Don’t be.

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A tumor found in the uterus is Fibroid. It affects one in five women. Many females get terribly scared and anxious when they are diagnosed with a fibroid, owing to its association with the word tumor. However, they are benign or noncancerous. Usually, the various treatment modalities aimed at preventing the complications of it, such as reproductive problems and early labor. So here are some of the fruits and vegetables that are fibroid effective diets. 

However, incorporation of certain foods in a healthy diet, have been known to minimize the symptoms associated with fibroid and prevent them from growing in size.

Mentioned below is a list of foods that may help reduce the size of fibroid and alleviate the symptoms associated with it.

Fruits and Vegetables for Fibroid Effective Diets

Fruits and vegetables are rich in disease- and inflammation-fighting nutrients as well as fiber. Both of these factors help promote appetite and weight control. Usually, women who are obese or overweight (having a high body mass index) are at an increased risk of developing it owing to inflammation and excess pounds. Therefore, eating good quantities of fruits and vegetables is associated with a lowered risk of developing fibroid in women.


Flaxseeds are abundant in phytoestrogens (natural substances with estrogen-like properties). These phytoestrogens help block the estrogen receptors on the fibroid cells, which cause a potential reduction of symptoms, thereby lowering the risk of fibroid growth.

Flaxseeds are also rich in fiber and omega-3 fats, which not only help protect the body against inflammation and tumor growth but also help the body get rid of excess estrogen.


We have already seen how foods that help in weight reduction can be effective in managing them.

Legumes (beans and lentils) are top sources of fiber, which make them the primary choice for weight loss. Also, they have a low glycemic index or a minor impact on your blood sugar. Many health experts believe that carbohydrate sources, such as sweets, which have a high glycemic index can trigger inflammation and increase the growth of the fibroid.

When we replace such foods with nutritious, low-glycemic carbohydrate sources, such as legumes, it can help minimize several symptoms associated with the fibroid. Beans and lentils can also function as nutritious substitutes to fatty meats that are known to increase inflammation.

Beta-Carotene-Rich Foods

Whenever you consume foods that are rich in beta-carotene the human body converts it into vitamin A during digestion. This then promotes the growth and repair of healthy tissues that can be very useful for treating it. Foods that are abundant in beta-carotene include carrots, kale, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

Whole Grains

Whole grains, such as wheat, rye, oats, barley, and brown rice, are one of the richest sources of fiber. Dietary fiber has a property of absorbing the excess estrogen in the body and removing it out of the system. Once there is an elimination of excess estrogen from the body, the estrogen dominance decreases. This can play an important role in reducing the size of fibroid.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, such as salmon (raavas), tuna (churaa), mackerel (bangadaa), and herring (hilsa), is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids not only help reduce inflammation within the body but also help relieve few of the unpleasant symptoms associated with uterine fibroid.

Fatty fish also helps reduce the overall fat content of the body. Moreover, it is known to remove or flush out excess estrogen from the system. When the estrogen levels in the body decrease, it helps shrink the size of it in a natural manner.


Guavas are rich in vitamin C. Increased consumption of foods that are rich in vitamin C helps regulate the levels of estrogen in the body. Controlling estrogen levels in the body is one of the best ways of reducing the size of fibroid.

Additionally, food sources those are abundant in vitamin C also play an important role in managing excessive vaginal bleeding. Heavy vaginal bleeding is one of the most common symptoms of uterine fibroid. Single guava can replenish the body with around 126 mg of vitamin C.


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