7 Steps Towards Healthier Living

How would you define health? 

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Does health mean spending hours in the gym, gulping down those protein shakes, stay on a strict “zero-oil”or “low-carb” diet? NO.
Being healthy is neither as painful, tasteless or stringent. It is something much more basic and simple. Health is a lifestyle and not the final goal, where you are active and eating nutritious food for physical and emotional wellbeing.

 Being healthy is a journey which is unique for each one of us, and here is where there are 3 kinds of people.

1. It could be an uphill task for many, where getting motivated is a constant struggle.

2. For some others, they have already taken steps to initiating the path towards good health. However, maintaining this tempo becomes difficult for them.

3. The ones who get truly healthy are the ones who initiate and maintain this lifestyle diligently and persistently. They are the ones who overcome every hurdle that comes their way to achieve health. But then again, health is not the end-result, but a continued effort to stay that way.

 Think where you fit in this entire dynamic. Here is what you should keep in mind if you want to be and stay healthy. Whichever stage you are in, remember that health can be achieved and maintained, and each of these easy tasks will help you accomplish it:


The very first mistake people make in their bid towards health is to cut down on food, especially carbohydrates and fats. But fact is that they are necessary for you in maintaining energy and carrying essential vitamins to different cells of your body. What you need to cut down totally on are processed, packaged and refined foods. They are the actual “bad carbs and fats” because they only give empty calories and no nourishment. Stock up on wholegrain food, fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs and healthy meats, nuts and seeds.


Most of us live a sedentary and inactive lifestyle, thanks to the trend of corporate desk jobs. Have a new mantra in life- MOVE. Go for a 30 minute walk in the morning sunlight at least 4 days a week. Walk while you are talking on your mobile phone. Ditch the elevator and take the stairs. These minor changes can cause major differences in your bones, muscles and their strength.


Stretching is important to improve your posture and relax the muscles. A sitting life can make muscles stiff and painful and reduce bone strength. Consciously ensure that your posture at work is relaxed but straight. Get up from your desk every hour and walk around for 1-2 minutes to stretch your legs.


Take time out for yourself. Relaxing is as important as moving. Chalk out some ‘me-time’ at least once a week. Take an appointment at a spa, join a book club, enrol for a fitness class, or just reignite a hobby. Do what you like.


Sufficient shut-eye is important for health. 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is needed each night for the body to relax and recover. Plus, good sleep keeps your alert, makes you more productive and improves immunity.

Engage Your Brain

Mentally challenging activities like playing chess, solving crossword or Sudoku puzzles have protective effects on brain function and memory. If you don’t like solving puzzles, try something different to train your brain. Take a new route to walk home or eat or write with your non-dominant hand. An active brain helps you to stay fit and even contributes to defying age.

Go for Homeopathy

Struggling with health problems hold you back physically and mentally. Make the right choice when it comes to treating them. Homeopathy is a safe, but extremely powerful method of treating health issues. Remember, the more natural you stick to, the better your body and mind will recover, and the stronger your immunity will be.

Take the first step towards health TODAY. It is never too late to begin.

