8 Foods To Ease Periods

Cramps in abdomen, back pain and heavy bleeding are the commonest troubles experienced during the monthly period or menses. 

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A whopping 15% of women are unable to carry out daily activities while on their period because of the pain. Add to this the unpredictable mood-swings, bloating and exhaustion, and you have a recipe for misery.

There are, however, ways in which you can ease the pain, including seeking medical treatment, going in for Yoga or just relaxing with a hot water bag. But the most convenient solution is found in the kitchen. Yes! Food! Food can become a game changer for you if you suffer pain during periods. Here are 8 foods that will help to ease the cramps, relieve pain and improve mood.


Ginger tea can help in easing pain and cramps. Make ginger tea by boiling water with a quarter teaspoon of finely chopped ginger and a thin slice of lemon for 5-6 minutes. It also reduces bloating of abdomen and indigestion.


Omega-3 fatty acids are on top of the list of nutrients that fight inflammation and reduce pain. Having 2-3 walnuts everyday can help you ride over periods.


The magic word here is ‘Iron’. Iron is the mineral that is required for healthy blood and a pain-free period. Lack of dietary iron can cause heavy bleeding during periods and accompanying cramps. Beans and lentils (masoor) are wonderful sources of iron, and a creamy soup made with them gives your iron quotient an added boost.


Kale, broccoli, spinach are high in the anti-cramps mineral, Magnesium. They also contain vitamins A, C, B6 and E, potassium and calcium, which help in relieving the symptoms of PMS.


Yoghurt or curd is a natural probiotic, containing good bacteria which help in keeping the gut healthy and work to prevent bloating and other digestive issues that could accompany periods.


Vitamin E, Magnesium and good fat in almonds help to fight inflammation and release of pain-producing hormones. 8-10 almonds everyday or a teaspoon of almond butter can help to relieve the pain of periods.


Rich in fibre, calcium, potassium and magnesium, bananas helps in relaxation of muscles thus preventing cramps.


Keeping yourself hydrated is the best way to ease out period cramps. Drink enough water to help your muscles relax and prevent bloating.

You will be able to enjoy pain-free periods. All you need to do is tweak your diet and be in tune with what your body needs.

