No Shave November: Grow Your Mane For The Right Cause

It is that time of the year when razors and shaving creams have taken a backseat and your facial mane is let wild. No-Shave November is here. If you don’t know what that is, look no further.

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No-Shave November is a non-profit organization that is devoted to raising funds to support cancer prevention. This web-based body is dedicated to cancer awareness and runs in partnership with the American Cancer Society. 

What do you do in No-Shave November?

The purpose of No-Shave November is to keep hands off razors and trimmers for an entire month until 1 December. Men and women (yes, ladies can take part in the initiative too) are encouraged to donate the money they would have otherwise spent on shaving-related products to the American Cancer Society. Their website says, “The goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free.”

Why cancer awareness is important?

As we see, the global incidence of cancer is increasing. Therefore, it is important to create awareness among the community through educational programs on cancer prevention, preventable risk factors, the importance of early diagnosis, and accessibility of cancer screening facilities.

Growing a beard has health benefits

Beard acts as a natural toxin filter and keeps dust and pollen from getting into your lungs. Shaving can risk bacteria penetrating your skin if you aren’t doing it correctly. A beard also helps in preventing blemishes and keeps you warm during the cold days. Last but not least, whiskers protect you from harmful sun rays by blocking up to 95% of the UV rays.

Few understand the significance

The social media universe takes a hairy twist as we see several profile pictures of men flashing their beard or moustache. Very few understand the real cause of these movements.


So, this November let your whiskers go wild for an important cause. Try to raise awareness about issues that go unnoticed. Dedicate your facial follicles for a good reason.



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