5 ways to boost your Immunity right at Home

The current scenario urges us to think of our immunity more than ever. We are here to offer you 5 super simple ways you can improve your immunity right at home!

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The more things you can do to boost your immunity and keep your immune system strong, the less likely you will be run down by a pesky virus or stomach bug. Diet, lifestyle, and even emotional health all play into the strength (or weakness) of the immune system.

Eat Garlic

Garlic doesn’t just keep vampires away. It’s also a powerful immunity booster! Garlic contains “allicin” which is known for its antibacterial properties. Its also been used for centuries to fight infectious diseases.

Garlic is a prebiotic, which means it also has the power to differentiate between the good and the bad gut bacteria. In simpler terms, it keeps the gut healthy by inhibiting the growth of the bad bacteria.

In its raw form, when it is at its most powerful, garlic contains all anti-microbial properties, which means it can keep all kinds of diseases (viral, bacterial, microbial) at bay! 

How to eat:

  • Garlic Shot: Crush a clove of garlic and add it to about 60ml of water and drink it as a shot!
  • In cooking: Add garlic to your dish while cooking. It adds great flavour to the dish and boosts your immunity! Win win 🙂


Consume Foods with Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a very popular ingredient to boost immunity at a cellular level. It’s antioxidant properties make it an essential micro nutrient. Vitamin C is best consumed naturally through Citrus fruits, Mangoes, Papaya, Berries, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Leafy greens and Broccoli. But, be careful while consuming Vitamin C – too much of it can also upset your stomach causing nausea, cramps or diarrhea. Do not consume more than 2000 mg/day of Vitamin C, either naturally or through supplements.


Keep your Gut Healthy

Did you know that your gut has both good and bad bacteria? Good bacteria in the gut, helps regulate the immune system in a way that can both prevent and treat immune-response-related diseases (allergies, eczema, and viral infections). It also prevents the growth of bad bacteria. Too much of bad bacteria in the gut is one of the primary contributors to disease.

Being the center of your immune system, its vital that you take care of your gut. Consume foods which can give help your gut grow good bacteria, namely, Probiotics. Eg: Kombucha, Kimchi, Sauerkraut


Reduce Stress

Life is always stressful. And being in lockdown for months has not helped the situation, no doubt about that. But stress hinders your immune system. There is a deep connection between the mind and body, and even simple stresses like exam prep can weaken the immune system. Relax, de-stress and watch your immunity boost automatically. Try practicing Yoga daily or meditating. Pick up your favourite book and read. Get back to those hobbies you had put aside. Unlock and unwind with family (while staying safe).


Super simple Immunity-Boosting Drink

Last, but not the least, here’s a simple quick recipe you can make right at home!


  • Juice of 6 lemons
  • 3 cups pineapple juice
  • 6 cloves raw garlic
  • 1 tbsp raw local honey
  • 2 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp ground turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper


Blend all ingredients in a blender till smooth. Drink half a cup 3 times a day at the first sign of getting sick, or 1/2 a cup a day to boost your immunity.

