Building Resilience at the Workplace

Have you ever wondered how some of your colleagues have always responded well to demands of daily life, both at work and outside work, while others panic and withdraw into themselves?

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What makes them stand apart from the rest? I am sure all of us would love to see ourselves becoming more resilient to thrive through turbulent times.

What is Resilience and how do you develop it?

Resilience is the ability to manage emotions and bounce back quickly from setbacks. The good news is all of us can learn to become resilient. You can learn to boost their ability to cope, thrive and flourish when the going gets tough. Although some people are naturally more resilient than others, resilience can also be learned and built.

Here are few easy ways to build resilience based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Just start practicing them keeping in mind that building resilience is an active process.

  • Support System: We are biologically social creatures, hence good relationships with colleagues, family and friends are vital to lessen the impact of stress in our lives and increase positive emotions. Resilient employees rely on others to help them survive tough times.
  • Learning Process: Always looks for learning opportunity from problems. Resilient employees tend to see change as a challenge to confront and overcome, rather than an unbearable problem or a stress to avoid.
  • Sense of Purpose: Have a strong sense of purpose and develop goals at work and personal life, review them periodically and keep making progress. One small step a day will take you a long way. Break issues into smaller chunks and smaller goals. Smaller goals make it easier to see progress and can motivate you to persist through challenges.
  • Celebrate Your Successes: Take Time to Review and Celebrate Your Success: You’ll be glad you did. This habit trains your mind to look for success, creating a positive feeling rather than dwelling on negativity and ‘failure’.
  • Practice Optimism: Always listen to your common sense voice, though your stressed voice could be louder and dominating at times. Maintain a positive outlook, expecting good things to happen.
  • Sense of Humour: You have heard this phrase – “Laughter is the best Medicine”. While a good sense of humour cannot cure all ailments but can definitely lessen the impact of stress.  
  • Lead a Healthy Life: A balanced diet along with regular physical activity and relaxation activities helps body and mind. A sound body and mind help alleviate stress and improve resilience. Practicing mindfulness helps one to enjoy life and understand themselves better. Paying more attention to the present moment – to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you – can improve your mental well-being.
  • Pick a hobby: Do things you enjoy outside of work. This creates a work-life balance thus building resilience among employees.

In summary, resilience will not prevent challenges from coming your way. However, it will help you be prepared mentally for whatever comes your way – whether taking on new responsibilities, learning new skills, dealing with a pay cut, or being laid off. Resilience will not only help you survive, but thrive, in the workplace.