Categories 1 Common Issues English

Get Rid of The Common Troubles Faced While Working From Home

Are you having issues working from home?

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Due to COVID-19 pandemic remote work has been in trend keeping social distancing in mind. Working from home has been a dream to many as there are no bosses or colleagues pressurizing in the office, no need to wake up early, get ready and travel for hours to reach your destination. But along with comfort it brings certain challenges that you have to deal with. Following are some of the common issues faced during remote work & how you can avoid them. 

  1. Erratic hours: Work from home can many a times become very stressful if not paid attention to. Most of the people working from home find it difficult to set strict times they need to dedicate their work for as they use to do in their office. Scheduling proper time to work at home is a must that will give you enough time to recharge yourself and stop you from doing overwork.
  1. Stress eating: Those who work from home may put themselves at great stress due to multiple factors such as financial crisis, scheduling online studies for kids, relationship with partner etc. Such stress lands them up with extraordinary craving for food especially those rich in calories. People working remotely also have an inactive & sedentary lifestyle. In order to overcome such situation, one must consume a healthy and balanced diet full of proteins, carbohydrates & healthy fats. They should also follow a regular workout routine to enhance their metabolic activity.
  1. Weight gain: While you are working from home you must take healthy diet which will avoid unwanted weight gain. You can set a planned diet and fix hours for your meals instead of chewing something or the other all the time. You can plan it in a way like consuming veggies in your dinner and relish your fruits during afternoon.
  1. Posture: A correct posture is very important while you are working from home. An imbalance or incorrect posture may result in stiffening of neck muscles, shoulders, joints or create back strain. Along with this you also need to stand up & walk little distance at least once in an hour. Working remotely means connecting to your office team several times a day on your phone. And due to this, you tilt your head repeatedly resulting in pain. It is better to hold your phone properly, use earphones instead of tilting your head on one side and you can take a walk while on call for long conversations.
  1. Muscular pain: This is one of the most common problems while working from home. You usually prefer to work sitting on your bed or sofa, or anywhere in the house. But this doesn’t give you the exact support as you used to get from your office seat. You should be aware of your body posture when you work, just remind yourself to sit erect on your chair, give a proper support to your back, and get up & move every 1 hour. Working without breaks may also lead to painful wrist, hands & fingers. To prevent this make sure to use a handy and comfortable mouse, relax and give rest to your wrist and fingers several times a day.
  1. Lack of sleep: Working continuously in front of your computer screens or working at uneven hours may lead to Insomnia. You shouldn’t forget to switch off your mobile phone, computer and other gadgets at least few hours before you sleep so that you get time to lower down your work pressure and get ready for a good sleep.
  1. Anxiety: Work from home can bring several anxieties such as loosing connection with your manager or colleagues. Hence, you may get anxious not only about your work performance but also about the job security. You can overcome such anxious conditions by connecting with your supervisors & co-workers several times a week via cell phones or video calls.

These are some of the common issues that that you may face while you work remotely. You still can overcome these issues very easily and enjoy working at home and take care of you and your family at the same time.

