How Does Stress Affect Your Digestion?

How many us have suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome or some form of constipation or diarrhea at some point

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of time in our life? Too many, I am sure. One of the important reasons for the manifestation of IBS is the level of stress. When in stress, we experience what is called the ‘Flight or Fight Response’. Flight or Fight Response is the body’s response to perceived threat or danger. Our bodies for centuries have been trained to react to stressful situations in a particular manner – to either fight or run on encounter of danger. During this reaction, certain hormones like adrenalin and cortisol are released, speeding the heart rate, slowing digestion, shunting blood flow to major muscle groups, and changing various other autonomic nervous functions, giving the body a burst of energy and strength.

The overall digestion then shuts down and the body gets ready to conserve all the energy because it does not know how long this stress is likely to continue. We have not changed much since then. Even today, when in stress, our bodies do the same thing – shut down.

So the next time, you experience symptoms of IBS, the first thing you may want to identify are the stresses in your life. Once you have identified the main reason or reasons for stress, you may want to figure out ways you could resolve the situation as early as possible. Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga Asanas and getting into a regular daily routine have been proven to eliminate stress. A general positive and optimistic approach to your life will help greatly in relieving some of the stress as well. Notice if these changes help your sluggish digestion.

Few other things that can help you are:

– Eliminating all dairy products

– Eliminating caffeine and processed foods

– Increasing dietary fiber

– Identifying and removing any food intolerances : you might need expert guidance for this.

Hope you will now be able to deal with your IBS and your stress better.

