Vitamin D – Why it is Important for You

Many dietary sources comprise of vitamin D but D3 (cholecalciferol) is generated naturally in the skin on exposure to

[the_ad id=”6115″]UV sunlight. Liver and kidneys play a major role in the conversion of vitamin D into usable forms in the body. One of the major benefit of proportionate vitamin D level in the body is to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorous in the body. These absorptions reduce the chance of osteoporosis (brittle, fragile bones) and also help in normal functioning of the immune system.

Let Vitamin D deal with diseases for you!

Studies on Vitamin D led to the discovery of its phenomenal effects, such as reducing the risks of:

  • Multiple sclerosis(brain and spinal cord get affected leading to poor eyesight, speech and mental ability)
  • Heart diseases
  • Flu
  • Alzheimer’s disease (insufficient vitamin D partly contributes to increased risk of disease)
  • Diabetes (by regulating insulin)

Although this sunshine vitamin is available to us in abundance from the sun, certain consumables like egg yolks, butter, cod liver oil, cheese, fatty fishes like tuna and salmon prove to be a good source for D.

Lifestyle and environmental factors – affecting intake of vitamin D

  • Applying sunscreen
  • Pollution
  • Staying indoor for a long time
  • Dark skin tone

Vitamin D has a significant role in various metabolic process and prevents numerous ailments. Keeping track of body’s vitamin D levels will surely enhance the health quotient, in our current fast-paced lifestyle.

Soak yourself into the richness of this sunshine vitamin to reap its benefits in the best way possible!

