Body Postures to Maintain at Work

Did you know that by just maintaining the right body posture at your workplace, you can reduce stress and body

[the_ad id=”6085″]pain? In fact, doctors suggest that every working professional who spends more than five hours sitting in front of his/her laptop, should spend at least ten minutes doing some light exercises. These will help you prevent muscle pain or any stress injuries, and will in-turn ensure your well-being as a healthy and active working professional.

Below is a compilation of a few such tips that you should always bear in mind while at work. 

1.Find the Most Comfortable and Apt Sitting Posture

The first and foremost step towards ensuring right body posture at work is to find the right chair and adjust its height to ensure proper lumbar and back support. You can also tilt your chair back to be more comfortable. Further, while sitting on your work chair, ensure that your head is vertical and facing forward, shoulders are not raised or hunched, arms are tucked close to the body with forearms parallel to the floor, and knees are bent at ninety degrees with thighs parallel to the floor.

Initially, it might take a couple of days of conscious effort from your end, but once you start enjoying the comfort, the right posture will come to you automatically!

2. Workstation Stretches to Release Muscular Stress

Hand and neck stretches, shoulder rolls, blade squeezes and wrist curls are some of the exercises that you can do every now and then while seated on your workstation itself. They will help you relax both physically, as well as mentally.

Fun Fact: ‘Ergonomics’ is the science which deals with man-machine interface. It is a study that educates working professionals on how to prevent repetitive strain injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders (which develop over time due to wrong body postures) from turning into long-term disabilities. 

3. Take Short and Frequent Breaks

All of us love the idea of taking a break while at work. But, did you know that it is in fact advisable to take one? During a break, you can relax your hands, look away and blink, or indulge yourself in a completely new or different work task. Another good idea is to take a short five minute walk in the corridor or to the nearest water filling station.

This will not just amplify your work speed, but will also keep you active and on your toes to complete any task at hand.

4. Balanced Lighting

Almost all sorts of office work is visually demanding, and hence it is advisable that you look away and frequently blink, to rest your eyes. Another important thing to remember here is to ensure that there is sufficient light around you, to provide maximum visual comfort.

Remember that light should be bright enough to view the text on your laptop or computer screen clearly. Further, it should be positioned in a way to avoid glare and reflection. Another good habit is to keep your monitor clean and dust free at all times to avoid eye strain.

