Effect of Cigarettes on Men’s Health

It’s a known fact that cigarettes are the reason behind a host of health hazards from respiratory diseases to cancer.

[the_ad id=”6114″]But, how does it specifically affect men? Smoking contributes significantly to a condition called atherosclerosis, which occurs due to the narrowing and clogging of arteries. Clogging of arteries means a reduction in blood supply which effectively means low blood flow to the penis. The nicotine causes added constriction to the penile arteries, which further effects, the blood flow. 

Effects of restricted blood flow

So, what if blood flow is restricted? It is the cause of erectile dysfunction. The number of cigarettes you smoke directly affects, your blood flow. A study showed that men who smoked a pack a day were at a 40% higher risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction than their non-smoking friends.

In addition to this, smoking also decreases your sperm count, and a recent study shows that it also reduces male fertility. Cigarettes also reduce the volume of semen, and some contents can even damage the genetic material in sperms.

Smoking makes you age faster

If the host of health hazards were not enough, smoking is also responsible for aggravating the aging process. The toxins increase hair fall and make you bald much faster. Also, it causes signs of premature aging like wrinkles, age lines, and a pale face.

These are reasons beyond just enough to convince you to stop smoking.

If you are a regular smoker, stopping is difficult because your body has already fallen prey to the vicious cycle. There will be withdrawal symptoms and overcome the nicotine addiction will be tough, but all of it will certainly be worth it. Quitting can gradually reverse the damages caused and improve your health.

So, what are you waiting for? Quit now!

