Stomach Cancer

Gastric cancer or stomach cancer is the fourth leading cancer in the world and the second most common cause of

[the_ad id=”7718″]death due to malignancy. In India, the incidence rate of gastric cancer is very low compared to that in western countries. Nevertheless, it’s important to gather information about it.

Males are more commonly affected (male-to-female ratio: 2:1). The incidence of gastric cancer has been relatively high in southern India i.e. Chennai; however, recent data indicate that the incidence rates are the highest in the north-eastern region. 

The incidence of gastric cancer shows an increase after the age of 50 years. Most individuals are diagnosed between their late 60s and 80s. 

The most important risk factor for stomach cancer is observed to be the infection with H. pylori. Pickled food, high rice intake, spicy food, excess chilly consumption, consumption of high-temperature foods, smoked dried salted meat, use of soda and consumption of dried salted fish have emerged as dietary risk factors. These practices are prevalent in southern and eastern states of India. Tobacco and alcohol consumption, obesity and familial disposition to gastric cancer are also risk factors. 

The symptoms of gastric cancer are generally non-specific – Loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, sudden onset of gastric symptoms after the age of 40 years and passing black stools are some of the symptoms and signs that may alert a person to undergo an examination. 

Tests include blood and stool examination, stomach endoscopy, imaging studies etc. Depending on the diagnostic test results, signs and clinical examination of the patient the tumor is staged.  Further treatment depends on the staging and may be surgical only or surgery combined with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. 

Supportive care involves providing support at all stages of a person’s experience with cancer. The primary aim of treatment is to bring about symptomatic benefit and improvement in the quality of life of patients with incurable stomach cancer and support patients while receiving chemotherapy. 

It is advised to consult a doctor if you have any symptoms suggestive of gastric cancer.