Foods that Help Battle Depression

Nutritionists believe that including these foods in your diet can help you fight those mood swings and overcome

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  • Carbs carbs carbs

When you deprive the body of carbohydrates, it reduces the brains capacity to produce feel-good substances like serotonin. Low carb diets make one lazy, fatigued and increase anxiety as well as nervousness. Adding healthy carbs like vegetables, whole grains and brown rice improves concentration and overall mental wellness.

  • Vitamin D 

Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked with depression. Vitamin D levels are important for the functioning of the brain. So, include mushrooms, orange juice, eggs and fatty fish like tuna to boost and maintain your levels of Vitamin D and manage depression.

  • Increase the fluids

Increasing intake of fluids like green tea, buttermilk, lemon juice, and milk keeps you fresh and has a soothing effect on the brain. A banana milk smoothie in the morning can help you fight those moody mornings.

  • B complex

Nuts, dark chocolate, and avocados are Vitamin B rich and help in fueling the body, keeping you more energized and focussed. These foods have the right kind of fats and when incorporated in the daily diet have a feel-good effect on you.

  • Proteins

Lean meats and eggs for non-vegetarians, beans, soya and paneer for vegetarians. These are protein-rich foods that pump up the body, and some also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps in the secretion of serotonin, the mood-boosting chemical released by the brain.

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