7 Ways to Fight Childhood Obesity

India is home to the second highest number of children suffering from Obesity. Shocked? Don’t be. Childhood obesity

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is on an alarming rise all over the world, and the results are devastating to say the least.

What could be the reasons for this?

  • A red flag should start waving in your mind if there is a history of obesity in your or your spouse’s family. Chances of your kid becoming overweight or obese are more if there is someone else in the blood relations with similar issues.
  • Unhealthy eating or eating the wrong kinds of food is the prime non-hereditary reason why children are putting on unhealthy weight. Persistent exposure to alluring commercials advertising sugar loaded and bad fat-rich foods like wafers, chocolates, cookies and biscuits, ice-cream, and other processed foods attract children to such foods that offer enhanced taste, but only empty calories with no nutritive value.
  • Lack of physical activity comes a close second to faulty eating, and contributes majorly towards obesity in children. Spending time with electronic gadgets like the television, smartphone or tablet, less free play outdoors and to top it all, long school hours, endless studies and classes leave kids living a sedentary life.
  • In some children, obesity can be the result of an underlying metabolic medical condition.

What are the consequences of a child becoming obese?

Obesity can breed multiple lifestyle diseases in a child, in childhood as well as when they step into adulthood. Obese and overweight children are more likely to become diabetic and suffer from high blood pressure, joint problems and asthma. Besides, an obese child is extremely vulnerable to low self-esteem, low body image and even depression.

How can Childhood Obesity be prevented?

  • Limit your child’s processed sweets consumption like jams, jellies, sugar candies, etc. Whether as a special treat or a regular routine, these are bad for the child and offer no valuable nourishment. Offer seasonal fruit and homemade laddoos (limited ofcourse) instead.
  • Make sure that your child gets enough sleep. A minimum of 9 hours of sleep is essential for their body and minds to function well.
  • Children mimic what they see their family doing. Consciously follow a healthy eating and sleep pattern for the entire family for the child to absorb these habits naturally rather than being coaxed or forced into it.
  • Restrict eating out to not more than twice in a month (ideally once a month). Even if you decide to visit a ‘health food restaurant’, remember that you are not in control of what goes on in a restaurant kitchen, and cannot be sure of whether the food on your plate has truly been cooked in a healthy manner using fresh ingredients.
  • Limit screen time to not more than 30 minutes in a day. Encourage the child into free play on a daily basis. They could also take up an activity like cycling or swimming.
  • Do not force obese child to compulsorily take part in activities like running, cycling etc., because if he cannot perform well, he will lose his confidence. Rather, go gradually and encourage him and let him increase his stamina first.
  • If your child is obese or overweight, take the correct medical steps to counter it. Among the various medical treatments available, Homeopathy is one of the safest ways in which you can help your child. Of course, it is also necessary to closely monitor their diet, activity and sleep along with homeopathic treatment by a qualified physician.

Remember, if you will change nothing, nothing will change.

