5 Common Excuses for Not Exercising

In today’s age, most of us know the value of exercise and why is it necessary for our body and mind. Most of us even know the Do’s and Dont’s as well as the various options available like Gym, Aerobic classes, Pilates, Yoga, Zumba etc. However, though we know about these and the health benefits, how many of us actually exercise?

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50 % of us at the most would be seriously working out to be fit and healthy. What about the other half? Of course we have our reasons for not exercising. Many of you should be able to relate to these Common reasons we come up with for not exercising.


Isn’t this the most common reason? Well let’s analyze how we spend our day. 12 hours working, 7 hours sleeping, 2 hours for our daily basic chores. Still have about 3 hours spare. Can’t we squeeze even 30 minutes from it. Definitely, we can. 


But who said exercise is only about jogging and stair climbing. It’s not advisable to do any moderate to intense form of workout for at least 2 hours post meals. But no harm doing some stretches or meditation or some breathing exercises (excluding those which use abdominal muscles forcefully for exhalation). These low level exercises have their own health benefits which can’t be fulfilled by cardio and weights.


This one is another common excuse that almost everyone makes. Here are two tips that might help you overcome this.

  1. Did you know there are some exercises that can be done right when you are lying on the bed and contemplating to wake up. You do not need to even get out of your bed for working out. Just start with some ankle pumps, heel slides, bend your legs one by one, cycling, bridges. Go on to side lying and do leg raises sideways, combine hand movements with it. Further move on to your tummy and work out your back muscles. This routine will make you get in the groove and you would be up and abut to do more.
  1. If morning doesn’t work for you, there’s the rest of the day for you to make it up. Work out your way and find which time suits you the best.


In this case, try mixing your hobbies with some kind of workout like dancing, trekking, swimming etc. But let’s see what we can do for those with more sedentary type of hobby. Like listening to songs? You can enjoy music while going for a brisk walk. If you are interested in sports, get together with friends and enjoy some sports like badminton, tennis etc.


Gone are the days when exercise used to mean traditional running, jogging or gymming. With the huge list of options available, you should be easily able to overcome this excuse.

I hope I covered your common excuse to not exercise and gave you one good reason to overcome the same. Feel free to share more in the comments. Enjoy Exercising. Stay Fit. 
