Why Should Every Vegan Consume Vitamin B12?

According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, “Over the course of two months, a 62-year-old man developed numbness and a “pins and needles” sensation in his hands, had trouble walking, experienced severe joint pain, began turning yellow, and became progressively short of breath. The cause was lack of vitamin B12 in his bloodstream

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Vitamins are required in organisms in limited amounts; however, the problem with vitamins is that a human body cannot produce sufficient quantities of these compounds on its own. Therefore, they must be acquired through food. B12, in particular, is an important vitamin that supports several functions of the brain and nervous system in humans. It is also instrumental in metabolism, red blood cells formation and DNA synthesis.


The Vegan Diet

Being vegan means to give up eating all the foods of animal origin. So, the list of foods that the rules of the vegan diet do not permit is as such:

  • Meat and fish of any kind
  • Poultry meat and eggs
  • Dairy products and honey

Many people get into this diet for ethical reasons while others think of the advantages of it in weight loss. Mostly, the diet relies on grains, fruits and vegetables. While the eating regime can be extremely beneficial for the most part, it does not come without risks.This lifestyle, though healthy and environmentally responsible, is not an ideal one. The vegan foods lack, rather have, inadequate quantities of certain nutrients that are extremely necessary for good health.

The Natural Sources Of B12

One of the significant facts about Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is that animals and plants cannot synthesize it by themselves. It can only be produced by microorganisms in the domain of bacteria and archaea. The only proven natural food sources of cobalamin are of animal origin, namely meat, fish, milk and other dairy products. The slight possibility of finding this vitamin in plants exists only because of symbiotic bacteria.There are no B12 rich vegetables or fruits that one can eat. Consequently, this proves that like some other nutrients, vegans have to find an auxiliary means of including B12 in their diet.
Why Is It Important To Consume B12?
As cited above, cobalamin is imperative for the normal working of the brain and nervous system. The real problems start if someone has a severe deficiency of a vitamin, and B12 is a crucial one at that. Deficiency is sometimes caused by malabsorption, specific medical conditions or even because of the use of particular medicines; however, mostly, the cause of deficiency is low consumption of the vitamin.

How To Know When The Body Lacks Cobalamin?

The deficiency of B12 manifests itself in a number of symptoms

  • Fatigue and weakness are experienced if the deficiency is a mild one
  • Shortness of breath and heart palpitations
  • Other physical manifestations are swollen or smooth tongue and anemia
  • Mental effects include depression, poor memory and in most severe cases, psychosis or mania

People who adhere to a strict vegetarian diet and vegans are clearly more likely to have an insufficient amount of vitamin B12 in their body. This does not mean that they have to change their lifestyle. The answer lies in substitutions and inclusions.

What Are The Vegan B12 Sources?

The vegetarian diet is not totally devoid of vitamin B12 (a.k.a. cobalamin). Typically speaking, the amount of B12 present in milk is around 8%. Since vegetarians incorporate milk in their food intake and consume milk products, they are at a lower risk of getting deficient in the vitamin.The medical experts and organizations all over the world have recognized the need for finding alternative methods of introducing cobalamin in the vegan diet. There are some instances of people saying that there is no conclusive proof that vegans lack vitamin B12. There are now fortified foods and supplements available to counter the lack of B12 in foods of plant origin. This means that vegans do not have to compromise on their eating habits.

Supplements For Vegans 

Dietary supplements are not new. But most vegans shy away from it because they may be produced with raw materials from animal origin.However, it should be noted that there are several brands of supplements available that offer  vegan B12 supplements.

  • The production is done through fermentation of microorganisms
  • They are available as chewable pills or swallowing tablets
  • They supplements can be taken daily or weekly
  • Human body absorbs vitamin B12 better through supplements than through food

The Two Kinds Of Supplements

There are mainly two kinds of synthetic B12 supplements available in the market. They are cyanoconalamin and methylcobalamin. The former is most commonly produced as well as most commonly prescribed.It is needless to say that both have their advantages and disadvantages. Cyanocobalamin is cheaper, but it also contains cyanide. However, this is not a reason for alarm since cyanocobalamin has been well-researched and is not dangerous. Cyanocobalamin, actually, gets converted to methylcobalamin once it enters the body. So, it makes sense to take methylcobalamin directly. It is also absorbed better and contains no cyanide; though this is not exactly the point, people would do much for actively avoiding anything with cyanide in it.

Fortification Of Foods

Taking supplements, even if it is only for nutrition, is not for everyone. Therefore, the question is how to get vitamin B12 naturally while maintaining a vegan food plan?Looking carefully at the nutritional info written on the back of a food container shows that many of them are rich in vitamin B12. If any vegan food contains B12, it means that that food has been fortified.

  • Some commonly fortified products are breakfast cereals, energy bars and soy products
  • These are now widely available throughout the cities
  • The B12 fortified foods are reliable and can be easily included in everyday meals
  • Substituting only some of the natural foods for fortified products can achieve a good result
  • They are convenient for a vegan and economical too

Other Fortified Foods

It is necessary to meet the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of every nutrient to lead a healthy life. That is why many vegans choose to add in foods fortified with B12 and other vitamins in their diet.Canned almond milk and coconut milk are often fortified with extra nutrients. Among these nutrients, cobalamin is included too. Vegan mayonnaise is also a fortified source of vitamin B12

Another Solution

Nutritional yeast B12 is a good source for vegans. Yeast is grown under controlled conditions to allow the bacteria on it to produce the vitamin. The yeast is then deactivated and ultimately acts as a great supplement of B12.Nutritional yeasts are grown to cater a variety of needs and not all of them contain B12. Only by reading the label, one can make sure of the fact that it serves the purpose.
